Nursing study programme of Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted The 3rd Asian Congress in Nursing Education (ACINE), raising the theme “Optimizing Interprofessional Education (IPE) to Improve Healthcare Quality”, from 18-20 April 2018.
This was a collaboration between UGM and Association of Nursing Education Institutions (AIPNI) and 18 co-hosts from from Indonesia and abroad, including Chiba University (Japan), Edinburgh University (IUK), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Taipei Medical University (Taiwan) and Universitas Indonesia. It was attended by 350 participants.
Event chairperson of ACINE, Lely Lusmilasari, S.Kep, M.Kes., Ph.D., explained the importance of IPE issue. Currently, she said, there was a gap between medical professionals. Lely said IPE had to be implemented since the nursing medics were trained. Lely added healthcare workers had to respect each other and make good communication.
“It’s not easy to open the mindset of the healthcare workers that no one is superior or inferior than others,” she commented on the problems among health workers.
Lely explained UGM Faculty of Medicine had implemented IPE in its curriculum since 2013. Through Comprehensive Community Health Care (CFHC), the students studying Medical Education, Nutrition, and Nursing collaborate with each other to handle patients in a certain community, jointly study, and formulate solutions. Lely expected this would be able to make healthcare workers respect each other.
”There is no patient that is cured by just one medic only, it has to be handled with by cooperation among healthcare workers,” she said.
Meanwhile, AIPNI chairperson, Dr. Muhammad Hadi, S.Kep, M.Kes., said UGM had pioneered in education development of IPE in Indonesia. He hoped the IPE programme management would be transfered to other educational institutions.
“Obviously, with cooperation and interaction between Asia Pacific countries in this event, the quality of Indonesian nurses can be recognised internationally,” said Hadi.