Faculty of Philosophy UGM held Philosophy Expo 2017 on Friday (25/8) at the faculty’s hall. The event was officially opened by the Head of the Faculty of Philosophy’s 50th anniversary committee, Prof. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin, and Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Rr. Siti Murtiningsih.
Philosophy Expo 2017 was held as a facility to introduce various excellent products on academic and non-academic sectors at Faculty of Philosophy towards the public. This event is expected to increase the community’s interest to learn philosophy.
“This event is expected to increase the community’s interest, particularly high scholars to join education at Faculty of Philosophy,” said Mukhtasar.
Mukhtasar said this expo is one of the series of events in the 50th anniversary of Faculty of Philosophy UGM. In this year celebration, there are 28 agendas both in academic and non-academic sectors.
Expo coordinator, Yudiswara Ayu Permatasari, said this event was attended by nine work units at Faculty of Philosophy which are Centre of Wayang (Javanese traditional puppet) Studies, Office of International Affairs, Office of Alumni Affairs, Knowledge and Information Channel, Library, Centre of Islamic Philosophy Studies, Personality Development Course, Wisdom Journal, and Nusantara Philosophy Laboratory.
“The expo also presents scientific works by the students and lecturers,” said Yudiswara.
This event was also enlivened by several performances from students’ activity units, including theater, rhetorics, and Sande Monink group band.