Soy milk is one of the beverage products that are less desirable to the society. Many people think soy milk has a peculiar sense, so they prefer to consume cow’s milk.
On the other hand, soy milk has more advantages than cow’s milk which are not containing cholesterol, not causing allergy, suitable for lactose intolerance, and containing isoflavone.
Isoflavone is one of antioxidants that can prevent or reduce the risk of metabolic diseases, including hypertension and hyper-cholesterol.
This condition encouraged UGM students to make innovation and conduct research on the potential of soy milk which is fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 to reduce the blood pressure and cholesterol level. Those students are Imroatus Sholikha, Rizka Hesti Anggraini, Farah Nadia Karima, Anggi Laksmita Dewi, and Aprilia Ayu Sholihati Nafisah. They conducted the research under the supervision of dr. Arta Farmawati and Prof. Ir. Endang Sutriswati Rahayu MS.
“The high blood pressure and cholesterol level in blood can cause several diseases, such as heart disease and stroke,” said Imroatus Sholikha on Sunday (13/8).
“Fermentation can reduce the peculiar sense and smell in soy milk. The utilization of Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 is expected to increase the isoflavone content,” she added.
The result shows the fermented soy milk can give a significant effect in reducing the blood pressure and cholesterol level.
This research passed selections to compete in the National Students Scientific Week 2017 in Makassar and will be presented in the World Congress on Nutrition, Food Science & Public Health in Tokyo, Japan.