Success in working or running a business, of course, becomes the dream of every person. However, success can not come instantly. It requires effort, hard work, and also creativity.
Dwi Heruningsih, M.Si., a member of Board of Supervisors of RRI (Radio of Republic of Indonesia) said creativity is essential in working or running a business, particularly in this globalization era with rapid development of information and communication technology in which all of us are required to be able to adapt to various existing developments, including media business. That is also performed by RRI that keeps adapting to the current development.
“Information and communication technology is being developed rapidly like a tsunami. We are only able to decide whether we choose to adapt and do something or being stagnant, as if dying in the waves of the tsunami,” said Dwi on Wednesday (18/9) at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
Giving a briefing in front of thousands of UGM prospective graduates, Dwi Heruningsih said RRI has been performing various adaptations in order to survive in the middle of the rapid flow of information and communication technology development. RRI keeps improving itself by following the public dynamics and adopting the new technologies.
“We also create creative programs that are beneficial for the public and interesting to be followed,” said this alumna of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM.
Dwi Heruningsih said creativity will create various excellent programs that deserve to be broadcast. Besides being creative, RRI also succeeds to exist thanks to the strong leadership and the enhancement of the business process.
Meanwhile, on the same occasion, the Director of Money Printing of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Prasetio, delivered a presentation regarding the importance of maturity in acting and thinking in the democracy era. Despite living in the free era, it is necessary to perform self-control in responding to the freedom.
“Freedom has a limitation, law and norms have to be respected,” said Prasetio.
Self-control is essential including in using social media. Prasetio appeals the society to be wise in using social media.