Museum is the source of inspiration for the future. This statement is exactly right because by looking at the collections of the museums, we can recognize the history as well as obtain ideas to reach our goals. One of those museums is UGM Museum which is located at Bulaksumur D6 and D7. It was installed on December 19, 2013.
Despite its young age, UGM Museum stores a quite interesting history. One of them is the safe haven of former US President, Barack Obama, when he was still young.
“In this room, little Obama often took a rest,” said UGM Vice Rector of Research and Community Services, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc., on Thursday (29/6), pointing to a room in the Museum which was used by the US President during his school holidays in Yogyakarta.
Suratman who is one of the initiators of UGM Museum said usually during the long fasting holidays (1967-1971), Obama went to Yogyakarta with his mother, Ann Dunham, and his stepfather, Dr. Soetoro, by train. They stayed in the official residence of his step-uncle, Iman Sutiknjo. Dr. Soetoro is the little brother of Iman Sutiknjo’s wife.
The little Obama’s room was once visited by the little sister of Barack Obama, Maya Soetoro, on June 11, 2013. At that time, Maya gave her appreciation towards the installment of UGM Museum. Maya hoped it could be an expression room for the students, lecturers, as well as the visitors.
According to Suratman, Maya Soetoro seemed enthusiastic when visiting and looking at the collections in the Museum. These are ranging from the heritage and pictures of UGM history from time to time, information about national figures who had contributed to the establishment of UGM and UGM figures who had contributed in advocating and establishing UGM, UGM’s achievements, students’ achievements, monumental works of UGM thinkers, and various developments of UGM until now.
“UGM Museum is expected to be an effective and efficient facility to transform UGM identity as the University that is based on Pancasila,” said Suratman.
In its journey, UGM Museum has been visited by many people, students from elementary until high schools. Aside from the US, many foreign students from Africa, Belgium as well as Japan have also visited the UGM Museum.