Jack fruit can be easily found in tropical countries, including Indonesia. Here the young fruit is cooked into curries, while the ripe one is made into iced drinks and chips. But did you know that the seed of jackfruit is actually delicious and nutritious, too?
In the hands of a number of Vocational School students of UGM, the seed is turned into noodles named as Mi Beton. The students are Miftha Fachruri Rachmawati, Indah Kartika, Aulia Adzkia Fauzi, Miftha Hidayathurahma, and Ira Mustika Dewi.
“The seed of the jackfruit (Javanese: beton) has not been utilised much by people while they are easily obtained,” said Miftha on Wednesday (14/6) on campus.
Ira mentioned that in average a jackfruit contains seeds weighing a third of the weight of the fruit, the rest is peel and meat Unfortunately, people did not make use of the seed much, only a few would boil them for consumption.
“Starting from this condition, we tried to make the jackfruit seed into noodles,” she said.
The seed is processed into flour that will be added on to wheat flour for the noodle making. This product is nutritious with a high calcium content at 145.747 ca (ppm), or 43 % higher than that in regular noodles.
“The high content of calcium is good for the growth of bones and dents,” Ira explained.
Ira added this product could be an alternative to healthy food for the people. The product is free from preservatives, so consumers need not worry as it is free from dangerous chemicals.
“Mi Beton is good to be consumed by children ranging between 6-11 years old that need high calcium level for their bone and dental growth. This would be a healthy solution to child development,” she said.
Mi Beton is sold in 85 grams package at Rp6 thousand. To get it, you can place an order via Line official account at @fzp4025k. Want to give it a try?