Ramadan in Campus (RDK) is being held again this year. RDK is a series of Islamic activities which is held during Ramadan at the UGM Campus Mosque. The first RDK was held in 1976 or 41 years ago and it became the pioneer of the establishment of an Islamic student activity unit at UGM, namely Jamaah Shalahudin. In this Ramadan 1438 H, RDK is being held again by Jamaah Shalahuddin by raising a theme on Optimizing the Roles of Academicians and Society in Encouraging the Unity for Indonesian Dignity.
The Grand Opening of RDK 1438 H was held on Monday (22/5) evening at UGM Campus Mosque and was opened by Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sport, Imam Nahrawi.
Minister Nahrawi said he was proud of RDK which was always held every year since 41 years ago. According to the Minister, this activity can be a blessing both for the participants, students, and the society in UGM area to do good things. He also said the Campus Mosque has to be enlivened by various recitations, innovation, and other positive activities which can give many benefits.
The Minister also invited the participants to utilize the Mosque not only as a centre for Islamic teaching and training of Muslims in various aspects, but also as a mental, spiritual, and physical education center. He said in this competitive era, Muslim generation has to be able to compete in a healthy and fair manner.
“It is an opportunity for Muslim generation to participate in the competition and give meaning and Islamic values,” said Minister Nahrawi.
He gave appreciation upon the jargon used by the RDK which is Unity towards Indonesian Dignity. He said the jargon is astonishing and it is a theme that many people have been waiting for. “The theme which becomes the jargon encourages us to believe that Indonesia is in our hands, our mind, and our heart. Therefore, we have to give the best meanings to Indonesia,” he emphasized.
The Minister said Muslim generation had to believe in the Qur’an and implement it in our daily life. He hopes Jamaah Shalahudin unit can invite the society to keep loving Indonesia.
Furthermore, the Minister said today we are facing a big challenge which is there are many communities which are considered as radicalism and terrorist. He said Indonesia has cultural and natural resources diversity which cannot be compared by any country in the world. “This condition requires us to keep maintaining our unity in diversity,” he added.