UGM in cooperation with Indonesian Science Academy (AIPI), The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) host The 8th Open Science Meeting (OSM) from 15-17 May 2017. This is a form of collaboration between Indonesia and the Netherlands annually, joined by businessmen, policy makers, lecturers and researchers from both parties.
“The cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands is a scientific one that is most effective which brings large influence on our attempts to promote Indonesian academic excellence,” said chairman of AIPI, Sangkot Marzuki, opening the event on Monday (15/5) at UGM Senate Hall.
Similarly, Wim van den Doel, executive member of NWO, said Indonesia and the Netherlands obviously had a long history in research and science as is seen in the 200th anniversary of Kebun Raya Bogor this year, among others. Going forward, collaborations will take on more important stages due to the global challenges facing both countries.
To increase the intensity and quality between Indonesia and the Netherlands, said Wim, in the future the NWO would earmark a large amount of funds to be managed by institutes in Indonesia, such as LPDP and Higher Learning Directorate.
“NWO has earmarked as much as 1.5 million euro in funds for the new phase of cooperation between the Netherlands and Indonesia in research and science. I am convinced that this collaboration would produce good results in the future,” he said.
The Open Science Meeting this time has agenda, such as scientific presentation, key note speech, innovation products expo, debate, seminar, poster presentation, and scientific policy drafting. Themed Towards Resilient Society, the meeting is to collect aspiration and contribution to create and support a resilient society. Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., said this theme was in line with the spirit of UGM in the effort to boost a resilient and prosperous society of Indonesia.
She hope the forum would be able to produce a strategic collaboration between experts from various disciplines that would give solutions to the progress of the society.
“In the past we always worked with peers from among our own circles, but now we need to make inovations by working with other disciplines in the efforts to address current issues. I hope this event innovations can be formulated to achieve a resilient society target,” she concluded.