Faculty of Pharmacy UGM in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Pharmacists Yogyakarta (IAI DIY) and PT. Pfizer Indonesia has organised Pharmacy Education Program (EduPharma). It is a seminar that presents speakers such as dr. Hari Yusti Laksono, Sp.JP., Prof. Dr. Zulies Ikawati, Apt., Ika Puspita Sari M.Si., Ph.D., Apt., and Wimbuh S.Si., M.H., Apt., at Faculty of Pharmacy UGM on Sunday (7/5), carrying the theme Competence Improvement of Pharmacists in Pharmaceutical Services.
dr. Hari Yusti Laksono, Sp.JP., specialist, described developments in the treatment of cardiovascular risks related to pharmaceutical services. “There needs to be a joint strategy between doctors and pharmacists to achieve rational medication that still maintains the quality,” said dr. Hari.
Meanwhile, Ika Puspita Sari M.Si., Ph.D. described the rational use of antibiotics. In her opinion, this is important to do because there many resistant bacteria. Such resistance has prompted an update in antibiotics development.
Chairman of Association of Indonesian Pharmacists Yogyakarta, Wimbuh S.Si., M.H., Apt., appreciated the participants of EduPharma. Wimbuh said that the event was good for the pharmacists to know the latest pharmaceutical information and technology. He added the competence of pharmacists need to be upgraded due to the many developments in disease and medication as well as technology.
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Prof. Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si., Apt., said the cooperation with IAI DIY and PT. Pfizer Indonesia had three main points, education, research, and community service. Agung said EduPharma this time was a form of education point. He expected the event would be able to enhance the competence of pharmacists in Yogyakarta area.
“Hopefully, by improving the competence of pharmacists would also improve pharmaceutical services to society,” he said.