Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students have made an innovation for patients in hospital that are receiving intravenous therapy in the form of dress for convenient use.
Medical students Indah Jana Permana Devrin, Lasmaida F Br BB, and Yogi Hasna Meisyarah, as well as Engineering student Daryatul Choiriyah, and Maths and Natural Sciences student Rakananditya Said, have made Bink, the innovative dress for the Student Creativity Programme for Entrepreneurship under the guidance of Sri Hartini, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., PhD.
Indah said it had all started from the experience of patients that were receiving IV therapy. The IV lines on the hand of the patient made it difficult to change their clothes.
“Up to now there has been no outfit specifically designed for patients having IV therapy. That’s why we tried to design a special outfit for patients having IV therapy,” she said on Tuesday (2/5) at UGM.
The dress is designed as such so it has an opening on the arms, which makes wearing, putting off or changing clothes easier for patients having IV therapy.
“With the dress that is easy to wear or remove, it is expected to make it easier for the patient or medics to remove or change them,” she added.
It is also expected to minimise risks for infection and inflamation due to movements of the IV lines as well as making it more convenient for patients.