In Islam, woman position is not only seen as a physical entity in the form of gender, but also seen in feminity perspective which is the form of God manifestation to nature. Similar perspectives also exist in many cultures and civilizations, including Javanese cosmologic perspective.
Woman tends to relent for the seek of harmony. Woman is the soul of family and family is the spirituality of society who was born through woman’s womb (read: love). Then, the early process to build a civilization comes from family.
“Feminity is a dimension which exists not only in woman, but also in man. Spirituality which refers to woman cosmology can be used as a foundation in solving various human problems both on social, economic and political aspects to achieve micro and macro-cosmoses,” said A.M. Shafwan from Muthahhari Philosopy Boarding School Yogyakarta at Seminar on Woman and Civilisation at Notonegoro building 3rd floor, Faculty of Philosophy UGM, on Friday (24/3).
The seminar was held by UGM Post-Graduate Students Association on Religions and Cultures collaborating with Faculty of Philosophy UGM. The seminar was attended by as many as 100 participants and presented Dr. Hastanti Widy Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum, a lecturer and alumnae of Faculty of Philosophy UGM and A.M. Shafwan as keynote speakers.
Dr. Widy emphasized reproductive political concept which has priority in ethics of care. According to Widy, woman performs reproduction with love. Similar in solving problem, woman tends to approach by feeling and care, not by clear cut firmness.
“Therefore, if all problemsc including political issues, adopt ethics of care approach to resolve, similar to that of a woman, it can create harmony,” said Widy.
Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono, M.Hum, Dean of Faculty of Philosophy UGM, added discourse on woman is always interesting, both discussed by woman and man or among women. Therefore, it is essential to discuss about woman that is strongly related to cultures and religions.