Eight UGM Rector Candidates for 2017-2022 period delivered their visions and missions on Academic Community Aspiration Forum on Thursday (23/3) at UGM Senate Hall in front of UGM non-Professor Lecturers.
The eight candidates are Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono M.Eng., D.Eng. (Dean of Faculty of Engineering), Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA. (Dean of Faculty of Animal Science), Prof. Dr. Mudrajad Kuncoro, M.Soc.Sc. (Professor of Faculty of Economics and Business), Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D. (current UGM Rector), Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si. (Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), dr. Rr. Titi Savitri Prihatiningsih, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D. (former Dean of Faculty of Medicine), Dr. Drs. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M. (Vice Rector of Cooperation and Alumnae), and Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Professor of Faculty of Engineering).
On the forum, each candidate had an opportunity to deliver their visions and missions. The first candidate who delivered visions and missions was Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA. He proposed five strategic policies which are strengthening institutional and synergy among internal institutions, broadening both national and international cooperation network as well as enhancing quality of human resources and infrastructures in order to ensure a better implementation of tri dharma (three duties) of the university.
The second candidate was Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati who delivered her achievements as UGM Rector from 2012 until 2017, formulas, and five strategies for the next five years. According to Dwikorita, it is important to encourage alteration to solve various nation’s problems such as social gap and humanity issues.
Then, Prof. Mudrajad said there are five strategic issues which have been facing UGM, namely the lack of scientific publication, inadequate qualification and number of lecturers, disharmony between the university and faculties visions and missions, the lack of local potencies exploration as well as networking with industries and government. Therefore, Mudrajad proposes three main strategies, which are UGM goes international, goes national, and goes local.
Meanwhile, in his visions and missions, Prof. Panut Mulyono emphasizes an advanced and excellent synergy. On education sector, he would like to enhance education access, build entrepreneurial and innovative characters, develop cross-discipline education, and enact postgraduate school as education backbone, as well as strengthen faculties and schools in UGM. Moreover, he also proposes enhancing research quality and encouraging community service to support society welfare and independency by enacting campus as a facility to implement science and technology for society.
Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto explained his work programme such as the development of research-based curriculum, institutional rearrangement at university level, the development of research and community service by penta helix scheme while research should be based on local potencies.
Titi Savitri, Ph.D. explained about several problems which are faced by UGM, including the lack of publication, social gap among lecturers, students, and non-teaching staff, as well as allowance and incentive issues. In the future, it needs enhancement and improvement not only on education, research, and community service sectors, but also in the development of supportive system to implement tri dharma (three duties) program. Titi emphasizes she will strengthen mechanism and coordination among UGM elements, enhance welfare which is based on autonomy principle of UGM management by optimizing certificate of business entity, subsidy, common welfare, and income generation.
The seventh candidate, Prof. Nizam, mentioned strategic programs which will be conducted, including strategic and systemic lecturer plan, improvement of human resource profiles, and automatic promotion for lecturers and non-teaching staff, as well as training and development on lecturers and non-teaching staff’ careers.
At last, in his work programme, Dr. Paripurna will develop a systematic, fast, and automatic promotion system, perform an intensive assistance system for promotion as well as provide help desk for lecturers, and less teaching but more research and publication by measured yearly target as well as supporting post-doctoral program. “Strengthening study centers as synergy place for conducting multidiscipline research is also important to be performed,” said Paripurna.
Academic Community Aspiration Forum is an event which is held by UGM Rector Selection and Election Committee for 2017-2022 period. This event aims to introduce and seek aspirations from members of academic community for the rector candidates. After conducting two aspiration forums in front of professors and non-professor lecturers, the rector candidates will conduct another forum to deliver their visions and missions in front of non-teaching staff (29/3) and students (30/3) at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.