In the recent days, there are many videos on skip challenge on the internet which is done by teenagers. The challenge is done by pressing the chest hard for a while until he passes out and has seizure.
UGM Neurologist, Dr. dr. Cempaka Thursina, Sp.S (K)., said skip challenge is very dangerous because pressing the chest will decrease the oxygen supply to the brain which can cause unconsciousness and seizure. It not only causes brain damage, but also death.
“If oxygen level in the brain is low for 2-3 minutes, the brain will be disturbed. Moreover, it can lead to brain damage and even death,” said Cempaka on Monday (13/3).
This kind of brain damage for a long period can affect our cognitive skill. The damage cells cause disturbance in intelligence and memory alteration.
Cempaka said the brain damage which is caused by oxygen deficiency can also cause stroke. Moreover, it can cause other diseases such as blindness, deafness, etc.
“For example, oxygen deficiency in the eyes can cause blindness. It is similar with other parts of the body in which the lack of oxygen supply can cause neural damages in those areas,” said Cempaka who is neurologist in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital.
Skip challenge, according to Cempaka, also triggers fracture in ribs because of strong pressure in the chest area. The fracture ribs can stub lungs and cause bleeding.
“Skip challenge is a dangerous game. At the first challenge, they still can be conscious, but if they do it for multiple times, it can seriously affect their health. Therefore, it has to be stopped,” she added.
UGM Psychologist, Prof. Koentjoro, said one of reasons for teenagers doing skip challenge is feeling challenged. This challenge is done as a way for testing their adrenalin.
“Children and teenagers are fond of trying a trend and challenging thing, including skip challenge,” said Koentjoro.
Despite challenging, teenagers do skip challenge to draw attention. By doing this challenge, they expect to get compliment for becoming brave, fabulous, as well as popular teenagers.
“It is just a trend which won’t last long. They do skip challenge just to be considered as cool people,” he added.
The problem is many teenagers do not know the risk of doing the skip challenge. Therefore, Koentjoro emphasizes schools for giving serious attention to their students’ activities, particularly in school area. The challenge is not only dangerous for the health, but also psychological effect in the form of addiction to doing the same thing.
“This challenge is dangerous particularly if it is done for multiple times,” said Koentjoro.
Accoding to the psychologist, schools should face this problem wisely. Schools are expected to socialize the risk of skip challenge and take action on students who do the challenge.
“We have to see whether students do the challenge by their own desire or they become victims of bullying. If it leads to bullying, it needs legal actions,” he explained.
Koentjoro also engages parents to be more proactive in communicating with their children. Besides watching their children activities in the house, they are expected to give comprehension to their children about the risk of doing dangerous things, including skip challenge.