Electrical Engineering and Information Technology students of Universitas Gadjah Mada host a national seminar entitled Enhancing The Innovative Startups for The Next on Saturday (11/3) in Grha Sabha Pramana hall at UGM.This is part of a series of Technocorner 2017 events, which is a technology themed national event. Other programmes in Technocorner 2017 cover Electrical Engineering Competition, Software Development Competition, Line Follower Competition, and Techno Expo.
The national seminar invited speakers such as Mira Tayyiba (Assistant to Deputy Head for Economic Competitiveness), Irving Hutagalung (Audience Evangelism Manager Microsoft Indonesia), Rama Mamuaya (CEO of DailySocial), and Indra Utoyo (Director for Digital Strategic Portfolio of PT. Telkom Indonesia).
Mira Tayyiba described the economic condition that have been affected by startup companies. In her views, companies may experience economic boost by using various digital technology, particularly startup ones.
“The company that maximises the use of digital technology can multiply its profits by folds,” said Mira.
Mira said further that digital economy contributed up to 22% of global economy output; thus, explaining the vital role of digital technology this time in which Indonesia needs to maximise such potential. “The first move to achieve virtual sovereignty in relation to strengthening digital economy is to draft a policy that boosts innovation,” said Mira.
Mira emphasised that the young generation needs to develop a startup to resolve a problem and give solution to it.
She added that “A cooperation is needed between higher learning, industry, and government to develop science so that the startup that is produced is relevant to current issues,” Mira concluded.
Meanwhile, Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., said it was time for Indonesia to develop digital technology and information technology in this digital era. “In line with that, UGM is developing the Digital Innovation Center to get itself prepared and sustain in the era of digital technology,” said the Rector.