The Indonesian government since 2001 established Law Number 21 Year 2001 on Papuan Special Autonomy and amended into Law No 35 Year 2008 on Special Autonomy on Papuan Province and West Papua.
Edi Purwanto in his doctoral dissertation reviewed how poverty is addressed for Papua. Edi further analyses the factors that cause impoverished people during the autonomy era, particularly in Papua.
According to Edi, regional regulations are an embodiment of some civics elements based on Pancasila and State Guidelines, which are general welfare and social justice for all.
“The Special Autonomy that gives wider authorities to regional governments should be the solutions to meeting the rights of the impoverished people, thus helping the whole society to resolve poverty issue,” he said in his doctoral promotion at Faculty of Law UGM on Saturday (19/11).
Edi revealed that the factors causing the rights of impoverished people unmet are regulations and implementation of people based economy. He said regulations and administration of education for isolated customary community and health implementation have not met the principle of Special Autonomy. This also happens to use of funding that does not prioritise on education and health for disadvantaged areas.
“Besides, the weak monitoring by the Papuan Regional People’s Legislative Assembly and Papuan Council is another factor for the rights of the impoversihed people having not been met,” said the lecturer from Law Science Academy Umel Mandiri in Jayapura.
Edi further suggested the government to clarify and confirm the regulation on special autonomy funding, particularly for education and health, also the improvement of the People’s Regional Assembly and Council.