Universitas Gadjah Mada hosts Indonesian Philosophy Education Congress (KPPFI) 2016 in the Senate Hall UGM on Saturday (27/8), presenting resource persons Prof. Dr. M. Sastrapratedja SJ, Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, and Dr. M. Mukhtasar. Students and lecturers from several universities attended the event.
The congress would formulate the concept and strategy to advance philosophy education in Indonesia, as well as forming professional association.
Sastrapratedja explained the role of philosophy to build the personality of a nation, which has yet to be seen. Sastrapratedja added the duty of philosophy in the present era is to build a new humanism that can answer the question “What is the meaning of being Indonesian person in the present era and the future? “Humanism that is formulated by philosophy tries to respond to these challenges, including on the nationhood,” he said.
Komaruddin Hidayat explained the basic philosophy of state sovereignty. The philosophy study role can be assigned in the context of social enlightening, thus it can be concluded that the role of philosophy is to build the nation and state.
Dr. M. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin presented his views on state independence philosophy. Mukhtassar said Pancasila has a significant role to maintain diversity. Pancasila will create a harmonious life condition and mutual respect in the country. Furthermore, Muktassar said the state independence not only gives autonomy to the people to develop themselves without interaction from other countries, but also to build state independence in the future. The people cannot be separated from achieving this goal.