There are 99,223 seats to be reserved for new students of state universities that will get selected through a joint test between state universities (SBMPTN) 2016. Graduates from SMA/MA, SMK/MAK of year 2016 are eligible for the selection process, in addition to graduates of year 2014 and 2015.
SBMPTN is a written test or combination between written test and skills test. For UGM that became the Local Committee 46 this year, SBMPTN is a form of selection apart from the invitation mechanism (SNMPTN) and Independent Selection.
UGM Director for Education and Teaching, Dr. Agr. Ir. Sri Peni Wastutiningsih, explained the allocation for new students of each study programme is at least 30 percent in 78 state universities across Indonesia. UGM in 2016 offers 66 study programmes while the SBMPTN mechanism willl accept as many as 1,987 new students.
“This year we offer 66 study programmes with a quota of 6,622 new students. As many as 2,649 will be admitted by UGM through the SNMPTN, while the SBMPTN and Independent Selection each 1,987 students,” she said at the Board of Trustee’s conference room on Wednesday (27/4).
Sri Peni explained that different from previous years, SBMPTN 2016 will use two methods, Paper Based Testing (PBT) and Computer Based Testing (CBT). Paper Based Testing are for all groups of tests (socio-humanities, science technology, and mixed) and Computer Based Testing (CBT) for socio-humanities and science technology.
For the CBT, as many as 30 of 78 state universities are assigned to conducting it. UGM and UNY are appointed the local committee 46 Yogyakarta.
“Until 26 April 2016, applicants to the PBT in science technology are 502, socio-humanities 652 and mixed 128. Applicants to CBT registered at UGM and UNY have met the quota, each 100 and 194 applicants. Those who want to do the SBMPTN CBT method are advised to apply to state universities outside Yogya,” she said.
Choice of study programme is as many as three. If the applicant only chooses one study programme, they may choose any state universities.
“Those who choose two or three study programmes have to have one choice being in the same area with their place of doing written selection,” she added.
The SBMPTN registration starts from 25 April to 20 May 2016. Both methods of PBT and CBT will be conducted on 31 May 2016. Skills test for certain study programme will commence from 1 – 2 June 2016. Results of SBMPTN will be announced on 28 June 2016.