UGM and PT. Ciomas Adisatwa started the construction of laboratory for after-harvesting animal husbandry industry and chicken slaughter house at the Agrotechnology Innovation (PIAT) in Madurejo village, Prambanan, Sleman. It costs IDR35 billion measuring 9,832 meter square and it will house 15 thousands of chicken. It will process chicken processing products from 95 farmers who are partners of UGM.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., said the lab construction for the poultry industry was expected to give benefits to students and researchers from UGM. “The mini-Lab gives opportunities for researchers to develop innovations,” said Rector on Thursday (26/11).
The slaughter house, according to the Rector, could become the place for students to practise internship and be a place of reference to know the after-harvesting process for chicken farming industry. “Students can of course directly see the implementation of their science of expertise firsthand, hence when they graduate, they are ready and competitive,” she said.
This research media, the Rector said, confirmed the UGM commitment through partners to support government policy to realising food resilience. Meanwhile, Ciomas Adisatwa can benefit in terms of the business through product innovation development.“This is in line with the socioentrepreneurship spirit promoted by UGM to grow the people’s socio-economy that can be implemented to the industry,” she said.
Director of PT Ciomas Adisatwa, Yahja Djanggola, said the idea to develop the lab had been initiated for 2 years. “We are determined to do something how to contribute to education and what has been produced at UGM can have better quality and wanted by the industry,” he said.
The cooperation between Ciomas Adisatwa and UGM, said Yahja, was not the first. In 2003 they built chicken coops for Faculty of Animal Sciences, managing 50 thousands of chicken.
The cooperation will last for five years. PT Ciomas will use the lab for chicken product processing while UGM for student’s learning and researcher’ project. Later on, the lab will be donated by PT Ciomas to UGM for future use.