YOGYAKARTA – Members of Regional Representative Board (DPD) has urged law amendments on MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD (UU MD3) as perfection of the change of Law No 27 Year 2009. This is because the Law MD3 and bylaw (UU P3) have reduced the DPD’s legislation authority into on parallel with that of members and commissions of DPR. “We urge them to amend the MD3 law,” researcher of Anti-corruption Centre (Pukat), Hifdzil Alim, in Focus Group Discussion on MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD in Faculty of Law UGM, Thursday (28/2).
Hifdzil said the DPD has not been given significant role in law deliberation. Thus, the law produced by the DPR is not in line with aspirations in regions, even many laws are contradicting against each other.
Member of DPD from Papua, Paulus Sumino, said the the goal of the DPD being present in the legislative body is to carry aspirations from regions into national policy. The DPD can also control the government not to act centralistic. But in bylaws, the DPD has no authority in controlling and directly involved in law deliberation. “Our controlling results are often not followed up by the DPR,” he said.
In his opinion, many laws are a political compromise between politicians. Their big authority in law deliberation has become a place for corruption practices. “Systemic corruption occurs because of the huge authority,” he said.
In spite of the fact, Paulus Sumino said that one result made by the DPD in his opinion is the Yogyakarta Specialty Law as almost 80% of the draft had been deliberated by DPD RI, previously it was annulled by DPR and government. “Because the people of Yogyakarta were in unease, so many draft laws from the DPD were used,” he said.
Opinions emerged in the discussion involving 7 members of DPD RI and law magister students from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Andalas and Universitas Hasanudin, that DPD institutional construction is currently the DPR co-legislator. So, the DPD did not have the room to participate in active law deliberation with the DPR and government.