Research in lactic acid bacteria has progressed rapidly both in basic and applied researches. On the other hand, Indonesia has mega-biodiversity with very high lactic acid bacteria potential.
The lactic acid bacteria can be isolated and used for human beings. Traditionally, the bacteria can be used for food fermentation, such as ketchup, tape and asinan (fermented cassava and salted fruits and vegetables).
According to Dr. Ir. Tyas Utami, M.Sc, lecturer in Agricultural Technology of Universitas Gadjah Mada, the bacteria has benefits for human health, particularly in the digestion system in the form of probiotic known to be able to improve immunity.
Considering the high benefit of lactic acid bacteria, Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM plans to discuss this in the 4th International Conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria adopting the theme Better Life with Lactic Acid Bacteria: Exploring Novel Functions of Lactic Acid Bacteria. The event supported by Indonesian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria (ISLAB) and Association of Indonesian Microbiology (PERMI), will be held from 25-26 January 2013.
“All progress and novelties of research in lactic acid bacteria for farming and other disciplines will be discussed in the international conference,” said Tyas Utami, chairman of the conference committee, on Wednesday (23/1)
Tyas Utami said the conference aims to disseminate researches and explore novelties of lactic acid bacteria functions as well as enhancing national and international network among researchers, government, and partner industry.
“The conference is organised to mark the 50th Anniversary of Faculty of Agricultural Technology with the theme 50 Years Building Agroindustry to Realise Food and Energy Independency,” she said.
Participants of the conference include those from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Japan and India while five national and eight international speakers will give presentations. The event will also display 34 papers for oral presentation in technical session and 60 posters. Partners in industry that will give presentations are PT. Yakult Indonesia and PT. Dipa Puspa Labsains. Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Ir. Lilik Sutiarso, M.Eng, is scheduled to open the conference.