Grief enfolds Universitas Gadjah Mada. One of its best sons, Prof. (EMR). Dr. Ir. KPH. Tedjoyuwono Notohadiprawiro, passed away. The Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Agriculture died at the age of 82 years old on Wednesday, February 1st, 2012 at 13:30 hours at Panti Rapih Hospital, Yogyakarta.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., in his speech at a ceremony prior to the funeral at Balairung said that Prof. (EMR). Dr. Ir. KPH. Tedjoyuwono was inaugurated as Professor of Faculty of Agriculture on October 19, 1982 during which he delivered a speech entitled "Tridarma of Soil Science: Goals and Reality". The speech expressed the need for the provision of a new image for the soil science dealing solely with agriculture, but its scope is expanded. The expansion is done by enough coverage of the basic sciences, namely physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. "In addition, in-depth understanding is needed about the land as the last resource in order to take into account multiple and significant progresses in the classification of the soil and the collection of information about the soil in the form of maps of land," the Rector said, Thursday (2/2) at Balairung.
He said also that Prof. Tedjoyuwono was known as soil scientist who is committed to save the peatland. One of his successes is saving a million hectares of peat land in Kalimantan. "May the charity, example, and the magnanimity of the late Professor can be passed on to future generations so that science can continue to benefit the community and continue to inspire sustainable development of science," he said.
Prof (EMR). Dr. Ir. KPH. Tedjoyuwono Notohadiprawiro was born in Yogyakarta, 29 November 1930. He studied at Sekolah Rakyat in 1943, graduated from junior high school in 1946 and Senior High School in 1950. Further, he passed higher education in Faculty of Agriculture UGM, graduated baccalaureate in 1955, graduated from Faculty of Agriculture UGM in 1957 and earned his PhD in 1980. The professor left his wife, R.A. Sri Winanda and two children, Dra. R.A. Nawangsari and Ir. R.M. Tejokaneko, M.Sc.