The next 40 years period is not a long time for the determination of a country and nation’s future. Various decisions taken today are important foundation for civilization in 2050.
Various attitudes options that are chosen today are pieces of mosaic to draw up the face and the fate of Indonesia in the next 40 years. Similarly, it applies to the stance taken related to energy policy in Indonesia. "Therefore, reflection of policies taken in 2050 would not appear out of nowhere. It can be seen from the previous policy in the years 2040, 2030, 2020, therefore, what is consumed this year could be a reflection of the policy in 2050," said Prof. Dr. Ir. Mukhtasor, M. Eng., Ph.D. in Amarta Hall, Hotel Purosani Yogyakarta, Friday (21/10), in the National Seminar on Indonesia Energy Policy Scenarios Toward 2050", the result of cooperation of the National Energy Board (DEN) and the UGM Faculty of Engineering.
For Prof. Dr. Ir. Tumiran, M. Eng., discussing the energy demand projection scenarios in 2050 is a must because the potential energy reserves are increasingly depleted. Currently, almost all petroleum energy runs out to meet the energy needs in transportation, industry, and electricity. Thought and management of alternative energy is needed to meet energy needs in 2050, such as gas energy management, in terms of economy the recent Energy Act gives the prospect on the energy supply in 2050. "Of course, all of this is considering the local-global dimension as well as various environmental problems faced by Indonesia," he explained.
Similar opinion was conveyed by Head of Gas and Petroleum Management Agency, Ir. R. Priyono. He said that at present and in the future it is increasingly difficult to find a source point of petroleum, even the attempt to find a source point gets slighter. Therefore, Indonesia within the next 15 years should ideally enter the era of gas energy. However, this nation is still having trouble building the infrastructure to develop the gas energy. "The government should pay attention to these issues because gas energy is different from oil that can be packaged in bottles, cans, etc., while the gas energy demands different kind of packaging," he said.