Indonesian Vice President, Prof. Dr. Boediono, said to decrease the poverty rate from 12.49% to 8-10% within three years is not an easy task. There are four things that need to be done to overcome the problem of poverty. These are intervention in household individually, target of community groups, economic ability of the poor, and special target groups. "Regarding the government’s intervention in households individully, it is in the form of efforts on how poor families can level up related to aspects of health and nutrition education and others," he said at UGM Master of Management Auditorium, Monday (17/10) delivering a public lecture entitled "Poverty Reduction in Indonesia".
At the public lecture held in the 65th Anniversary of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, the Vice President said that on government intervention associating with target community groups, the effort made is to empower the community of a village in a sub-district or even to one sub-district as well as with various PNPM Mandiri program that has been running, which empowers communities to build roads, irrigation or revolving capital, and various other programs. "In this kind of program, the portion of government’s role increases and the result are empirically testable," he said.