Indonesian Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research & Education (INSPIRE) is an initiative of non-profit project that aims to build and develop a platform of satellite technology (nano-satellite in particular) among universities in Indonesia by placing the student as the motor/ prime mover.
INSPIRE project was formed because Indonesia has been left behind by developed countries in the field of satellite technology. Meanwhile, the technology platform is actually expected to support other sectors such as telecommunication, navigation, marine, environment, natural resources exploration and disaster early warning system.
According to Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, INSPIRE’s embryo began at the end of 2008. Inasat-1 LAPAN Team (Gunawan S. Prabowo, Ery F, Widodo, and colleagues) together with UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Agfianto EP, Kuwat Triyana, Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, Iqbal), Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia (M. Asvial), and Aeronautics of ITB (Ridanto E.P.) formed a consortium named Inter-University Satellite-1 or abbreviated with liNUSAT-1 at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
In November 2009, students who are members of PII in the TU Deflt (Dedy Wicaksono, Aryo Primagati and Dwi Hartanto) formed the INSPIRE (Indonesian Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research & Education). From the initiative of Surabaya State Polytechnics (PENS) and ITS (Son Kuswadi, Endra Pitowarno, Dedet), a workshop merged two programs into one, namely the INSPIRE program with real-project in form of development of nano satellite named Indonesian Inter University Satellite-1 (liNUSAT -1). "This program also gets support facilities from Director of Research and Community Service, Directorate of Higher Education and in early 2010, Prof. Gamatyo and colleagues from ITS joined," Tri Kuntoro said in the Seminar "INSPIRE-liNUSAT-1, the First Nano-Satellite in Indonesia", Thursday (13/10) at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
During its development, in early 2010 a nanosat workshop was held in STT Telkom. Since then, personnel from PT DI (Suseno) and STT Telkom (Arifin Nugroho and colleagues) joined individually. In the same year, with the fund from the Directorate of Research and Community Service, two workshops, Mission Analysis and Preliminary Design of liNUSAT-1, were held.
Speaking at the series of UGM Research Week, Tri hoped that the INSPIRE project can gather and be the media as well as transfer knowledge and skills and foster an interest to develop satellite technology (especially nano-satellite) among students with university as center for student’s nano-satellite project activities.
The final goal of this project certainly does not just stop on matters related to the nano-satellite among universities and students, but will expectedly be able to promote satellite matters in Indonesia, because the technology is very vital, both in academic research and industrial technology (telecommunications and informatics)."INSPIRE project consists of several teams for each subsystem, including from UI, ITB, PENS, ITS, and certainly UGM and LAPAN. Their activities are distributed into their respective teams. Related to this project, UGM specifically deals with OBDH design or Onboard Data Handling," he said.