Yogyakarta- Recognition of specialty and particularity of one region should be based on historical process of the unification of a region to the Republic and the previous rights of origin owned by the region, not based on temporary, top down and centralistic political interests, let alone to putting aside the aspirations from the grassroots level.
That emerged in a seminar to commemorate the role of Yogyakarta people during the movement for Indonesia’s Independence, particularly a day after the Proclamation of Independence. The seminar is entitled State Charter: President Soekarno Award to Hamengkubuwono IX and Paku Alam VIII at Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center, Saturday (20/8). The event initiated by Center of Pancasila Studies UGM presented UGM expert of State Structure Law, Fajrul Falakh, S.H., M.Si., and observer of Yogyakarta specialty, Sudomo Sunaryo.
Fajrul Falakh said that the recognition of specialty that was granted by the Central Government in the President Soekarno’s term of office, which was reconfirmed in the Constitution, is not apart from the role of Yogyakarta Palace as the first kingdom which firmly recognized and integrated with the Republic of Indonesia as a new nation. Yogyakarta Palace, in fact, previously had sovereignty which was recognized internationally. “Jogja integrating with the Republic of Indonesia has surpassed the meaning of those described in the kethoprak sikutan traditional play. The decision to integrate with Indonesia is the nationalistic political stance taken by HB IX and PA VIII, it was not dynastic political stance,” Fajrul Falakh.
According to Falakh, what is wanted by Yogyakarta people currently is recognition of the specialty, marked by the people’s aspiration to determine their own head of region. “This constitution unites all national components. In year 1945 alone, our leaders succeeded to integrate with Indonesia, so if we consider the specialty proposal as a disintegrative effort, that is a backward step,” he said.
Therefore, the specialty of a particular region is understood but only in terms of the perspective of centralistic political interest and policy. In addition, he also suggested the government not to be too opposed to the constitutional monarchy. The monarchy is also developing. Its power is still bound by the constitution or traditional customs.
Sudomo Sunaryo also said that the integration of Yogyakarta to the Republic of Indonesia is based on the agreement of HB IX and PA VIII after hearing the news of the Independence being proclaimed on the radio. “After that, they congratulated the President,” he said.
GPH Prabukusumo, one of HB IX’ sons, said that the HB IX’ statemanship and love for the Republic were the reasons for him to choose to integrate with the Republic of Indonesia, though previously he had been offered by the Dutch to be wali nagari in Java. “All his decisions were really wise. All was taken through concern and sensitivity,” he said.