YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada allocates scholarships to new students coming from underprivileged families in 2011, who are following the process of registration of new students through the National Entrance Selection to State University (or SNMPTN). "UGM recommends to students who are currently in grade 12 who are economically underprivileged, but have high academic ability, to not hesitate to register to UGM," Senior Vice Rector for Academic, Research, and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Retno Sunarminingsih, M.Sc., Apt. said, in a speech of UGM Bachelor and Diploma Graduation on Thursday (19/5).
The number of scholarships awarded to UGM diploma and S1 students increases from year to year. In 2007, scholarship fund managed by UGM was 16.1 billion rupiah. Later in 2008, the number increased to 21.8 billion and in 2009 increased to 25.1 billion rupiah. Last year, the scholarship fund was as much as 33.1 billion rupiah given to more than 9,000 students. "The type of scholarships and an increasing number of recipients from time to time have expanded access for students who are economically underprivileged to participate in qualified education at UGM," Retno said.
She added that the increase in the allocation of scholarships is proof of UGM’s commitment to help the intelligent students who are economically underprivileged to be able to study at UGM. "Don’t let them fail to study just because they do not have money," she said.
On the occasion, Retno said that Universitas Gadjah Mada is currently developing the learning paradigm, called STAR, stands for Student-Teacher Aesthetic Role Sharing. Learning based on local culture and positioning a faculty as facilitator, according to Retno, has been able to make the classroom more dynamic; students become more active, creative, and responsible, too.
UGM also facilitates students with training in leadership and entrepreneurship while instilling Gadjah Mada values. "The synergy between learning and training has successfully produced UGM students who are smart and have high moral standing, so many students of UGM can achieve various national and international achievements," she said.