YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has launched the official logo of UGM Residence in the closing of UGM Residence Fair 2011, Sunday (8/5), at Darmaputra Residence yard. The logo has won UGM student’s design competition. The logo design which consists of 27 thousand photos of student activities at UGM successfully gained an award from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI).
The handover of MURI award was conducted by the MURI Manager, Sri Widawati, to UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., and General Manager of UGM Residence, Boyke Rudy Purnomo, S.E, M.M. "This logo of UGM Residence is the best work of UGM students. This logo reflects the function and essence of the dormitory as well as values of the dormitory. The logo is expected to inspire and improve the solidarity of all UGM residences," Boyke said.
Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D expressed appreciation for the result achieved by UGM Residence related to the MURI award and UGM Residence Fair which lasted for 3 days. According to Sudjarwadi, rapid progress conducted by UGM Residence cannot be separated from the works of previous dormitory manager. "Right now there are already 4 residences belonging to UGM," he said.
The residences located at UGM, according to Sudjarwadi, do not merely serve as residence for students but also the media for soft skills development. "The residence is a space to train students of vocational school, undergraduate, and graduate programs, reinforcing each other, training, and developing skills," he said.
To reporters Boyke said that up to now UGM Residence has a total of 800 beds in four residences namely, Darmaputra, Ratnaningsih, Cemara Lima, and Bulaksumur. Of the total capacity, the occupants are mostly students from outside Yogyakarta (81 percent) while the remaining, 19 percent, comes from foreign countries, such as Malaysia, China, Thailand, Timor Leste, Korea, Libya, Gambia, Japan, and Russia. "Most of students living in residence are new students and they only stay for only one year," he said.
He announced that UGM Residence is now a member of APSSA (Asia Pacific Student Service Association), one association of student services administrator. "The good news is UGM is the first member from Indonesia," he said.
Preventing Indoctrination of Radical Groups
Boyke said that being a student is a time of self-discovery. Students are vulnerable to be infiltrated by various misleading ideologies. Not infrequently, they are trapped in the wrong path or affiliated with groups that are not appropriate and become victims of abduction and indoctrination done by radical groups. "UGM residence is one way to prevent this by creating a vehicle for creation and giving special attention to student in a constructive diversity atmosphere," he said.