Synergy enables us to achieve faster and better results. That is the most important outcome of the Workshop on Managerial, Leadership, and Formation of Quality of Work, held from 19-21 April at Puri Asri Hotel, Magelang. The workshop was attended by all New Heads of Department and Division Chairmen at Universitas Gadjah Mada, which incidentally are the leading academic lines. Also joined the workshop members of the Executive Board Meeting, making total participants 104 people. Main theme of this workshop is to build synergy, commitment and management of institutions and activities of UGM with good management pattern.
Synergy is a must, especially when talking about the management of Universitas Gadjah Mada, the largest campus in the country, with 54,000 students and 6000 faculties and staff, including more than 1,000 international students from 62 countries.
"To accelerate the process of developing synergy, we need a transformational leadership, who is based on a clear vision and a stable system", Drs. Edie Haryoto, MBAT said, an alumnus of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, resource person for the topic of Effective Leadership. "By doing so, it is believed that we can achieve the best outcome," said the Commissioner of PT. Gapura Angkasa, former president director of PT. Angkasa Pura who managed to bring Soekarno-Hatta International Airport as the world’s second best airport in terms of flight punctuality.
"Big institution such as UGM indeed needs qualified managers, not administrators," another resource person, T. Hani Handoko, MBA., Ph.D added. "In addition, strategic management steps that are able to make measurable short-term, medium and long term planning are needed," the professor of Economics from UGM added.
One of strategic steps is to compile the Annual Work Plan Budget and Annual Work Plan in a bottom-up way. Careful planning will allow each unit to achieve better results. That was delivered by the PIC of the workshop, also Senior Vice Rector for Academic, Finance, and Human Resources Development, Prof. Ainun Na’im, Ph.D., when giving a speech. "Expected better results not just happen once or twice, but continuous progress," the Rector of UGM Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., said in his speech. "The principle of continuous improvement is what must constantly animate every planning", he added.
As an integral part, the workshop was also paired with outbound. Facilitated by Prof. Djamaludin Ancok, Ph.D. and Drs. Haryanto, M. Si, some outbound games followed by discussion did inspire participants. "UGM has tremendous potential in all aspects", Djamaludin Ancok said. "The key to achieve greater results, as we have done through various outbound games, is ‘brave to make a change’," he concluded.
The workshop was opened by Senior Vice Rector for Academic, Research, and Community Service, Prof. Retno S. Sudibyo, M.Sc., Apt., and closed with a discussion among clusters of science to develop and design strategies, programs and budgets, led by Prof. Ainun Na’im, Ph.D.