YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, (UGM) is still committed to becoming a leading educational institution of international standard and world class. In line with the commitment, the Faculty does not forget the role and tasks to improve quality and meet the needs for specialist doctors in the community. Based on data from Ministry of Health, most of regions in Indonesia have not received adequate medical specialist services yet.
"In 2010, Faculty of Medicine inaugurated 133 specialist doctors so that the total number of graduates of specialists is as many as 2051 people across Indonesia and some abroad," said Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., delivering Annual Report Year 2010, Friday (4/3).
Although specialist education program requires a relatively long time compared with master education, the Faculty has developed a dual degree program (M.Sc.-Sp.) to improve the quality of health services provided by government and private institutions. "Given the dynamics of the rapid scientific developments and challenges from community who are more critical and aware of their rights, specialists are required to always make evidence-based clinical decisions," he said.
To achieve its vision to become world class faculty, benchmarking of the curriculum and management of clinical rotation has been performed in many countries. It also cooperates with various institutions, both domestic and foreign. The cooperation aims to support and enhance the quality of education, research, and community service by conducting various innovations in professional education.
Benchmarking in the field of education and research has been conducted in various leading institutions in Europe, such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, and several Asian countries. In 2010, there are 53 cooperations with foreign institutions, including the United States, Canada, and the Middle East countries. From this cooperation student exchange programs were also established. "For an exchange student in 2010, the number of participants of elective program for doctor education program was as many as 68 people from Europe and the United States,"Ghufron added.
There are 93 permanent teaching staff who have doctoral degree in the Faculty. Members of faculties who are currently taking S-3 education course is 96 people. Therefore, it is expected within the next 2-3 years the number of faculties with doctoral degree will reach more than 50% of the total staff.
In the field of research, Faculty of Medicine UGM has improved the evaluation process in increasing quantity, quality, and amount of the funds. To increase the number of research, a proposal bank has been formed, the revitalization of the centers, assistance for preparing proposals, and dissemination of information on research funding sources. "Overall, the number of research, including independent research in 2010, increased to 333," he said.
Meanwhile, Director General of Health Efforts, Indonesian Ministry of Health, dr. Supriyantoro, Sp.P., MARS, in his speech highlighted the revitalization of the governance of an integrated emergency and disaster. He said to enhance the ability of hospitals in emergency response and disaster management, the Ministry has developed a training of Hospital Preparedness for Emergency and Disaster (HOPE), which has been currently followed by 802 hospital managements. "All the leadership of hospitals can create documents in disaster planning, both inside and outside the hospital," he said.
He added that cross-sector cooperation among Ministry of Health, BNPB, BMG, WHO, UNDP, academicians and private sectors is very important to anticipate and conduct joint exercises in natural disaster mitigation. No less important is the provision of the budget of each party to conduct joint training and earmark contingency funds.