Climate change is the most serious, complex and dilemmatic multidisciplinary challenge faced by humankind at the beginning of the 21st century, it is even expected to last until the 22nd century. There is no country or group of world society that is able to avoid this threat to civilization.
It was stated by Deputy of Prevention and Preparedness of BNPB (National Board of Disaster Management), Ir. Sugeng Triutomo, DESS, in his speech at the National Seminar on Climate Change in Indonesia, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies from the Multidisciplinary Review on Wednesday (13/10) at UGM Graduate School. He emphasized how big and strong a nation is, it will not be able to solve challenges of climate change and global warming by itself, which is closely related to human behavior and lifestyle, political decisions, patterns of development, choice of technology, socio-economic conditions and international agreements.
"Its negative effects rapidly expand from global level down to the local level. We feel the impact of climate change even more, such as, increasing air temperature, changes in the volume of rainfall and seasonal pattern, the long dry season, the increasingly heavy rain and increase in sea water surface," Sugeng said.
In year 2010, we feel much of the impact, especially in terms of climate change. This year, the rainy season lasts long without certain dry season. "Up to September 2010, there have been 196 times of flooding. This figure is certainly an increase because on average it was only 150 times per year previously. This clearly shows that climate change is accompanied by changes in the nature of rain," he added.
The study of a Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for Southeast Asia by Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) showed that Indonesia is very vulnerable to climate change. This vulnerability is measured by exposure, sensitivity and adaptability. It also showed that seven regencies/cities in Indonesia rank the top 10 cities most vulnerable to climate change.
Also attending the event were Prof. Dr. Hartono, DEA, DESS, Prof. Dr. H.A Sudibyakto, MS and keynote speaker, Dr. Andi Eka Sakya, M. Eng, Executive Secretary of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency.