Center for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies (CRCS) UGM in cooperation with the Indonesian Foreign Ministry held a discussion about religious and cultural diversity in Indonesia on Friday (20/8) at UGM Graduate School. The program of the Presidential Friends of Indonesia (Pfol) was attended by the Indonesianists from 27 countries.
According to the Director of CRCS UGM, Dr. Zainal Abidin Bagir, the event with the theme of Progress in Indonesia: Democracy, Plural Society and Economic Development was more focused on Indonesianists who are academicians. "This event is focused on Indonesianists who are academicians with the aim of improving understanding of the Indonesia’s progress after the reform," he said.
Zainal added that besides to improve understanding and interest on Indonesia, the program that has been implemented since year 2008 is also to establish networks between Indonesia and PFol participants. "Networking is expected to encourage the improvement of current understanding about Indonesia in politics, economy, and socio-culture. Those attending the event are international influential leaders and people who love Indonesia, including academicians, businessmen, politicians and public figures," he explained.
The event was also held at the University of Indonesia (UI) this year and attended by 23 participants from 15 countries: the Netherlands, Brazil, Denmark, India, Japan, Germany, Kenya, Egypt, Russia, Turkey, the United States, Australia, China, the UK and South Korea.