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Statistics Study Program (PS Statistics) was established in 1987 and is an educational institution that organizes undergraduate education. PS Statistics has a vision in line with UGM’s vision of making PS Statistics nationally superior and known at the international level and creating graduates who are competent and full of service to the interests of the nation.

To accomplish the vision above, PS Statistics has a mission which is essentially to carry out the tri dharma of higher education with a professional management system, credible, transparent, accountable and responsible governance, and to make efforts for the sustainability of PS Statistics through cooperation in the fields of education, statistical science, applied research, community service and partnerships at the local, national and international levels.

Graduate Competencies

Graduates of this study program master the statistical science and applied statistics, data analysis and processing, experimental design, database, computing, statistics and stochastic, and statistical quality control.

Career Prospects

Our graduates have the capacity to work in government institutions, such as Central Statistics Agency, Ministry of Education & Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning, and Bappeda (the regional development planning agency). They can also pursue careers in statistical consulting firms, insurance companies, banks, and capital markets.


    1. Pancasila-minded and have an awareness of the interests of the nation.
    2. Having responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner.
    1. A graduate of the program is expected to have strong basic statistics and mathematics in problem solving analysis.
    2. A graduate of a study program is expected to be able to have statistical thinking and able to develop.
    3. A graduate of the program is expected to have ability to further studies, and or lifelong learning.
    1. A graduate of the program is expected to have a good ability to utilize technology and statistical software in research.
    2. A graduate of the program is expected to have experience in working on real cases in the field of statistics.
    3. A graduate of the program is expected to have a good ability to communicate statistics in writing and oral.
    4. A graduate of the program is expected to have professional ethics and soft skill.
    1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking by utilizing information technology to produce solutions realized in scientific documents and implementation of areas of expertise with integrity.
    2. Able to develop networks, be adaptive, creative and contributive, provide supervision, evaluate and make decisions in order to show independent and group performance to apply knowledge to community life.
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