Agroindustry is the backbone of national economy and livestock of Indonesian citizen. Agroindustry study program of Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada established as the contribution of higher education institution to create high quality graduates of applied agroindustry.

The demand of human resources in applied science is one of many factors to develop agroindustry to cope with future challenges such as globalization and free trade.

Agroindustry study program aims at creating professional graduates who are capable to independently master their field of concern, creative in developing industrial management to empower agricultural industry based on Agro Techno-Preunership. The graduates are expected to have high dedication, reactive to the development of knowledge and technology related to agricultural industry, active in environmental engagement and national development.

Graduate Competencies

  1. Capable of technically and operationally overcoming quality and productivity issues in agroindustry technically and operationally.
  2. Being skillful in managing agroindustry based on environment.
  3. Being creative in making analysis by using computer technology.
  4. Being creative in producing and inventing agroindustral products for higher values.
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