Graduate Competencies

  1. Possesing technical skills in applying animal veterinary management to livestock animals, pets, wild animals and conservation anilams, aquatic animals, and laboratory experiment animals.
  2. Possessing technical skills in the field of medical veterinary, livestocks reproduction, animal quarantine, environment sanitation and waste management, pharmachology, animal diseases, and animal surgery.
  3. Possessing technical skills in anatomy laboratory, histology, physiology, bio-chemical, reproduction, clinical patology, radiology, parasitology, etc.

Career Prospects

  • Animal Veterinary, Fishery, Animal Husbandry, Forestry Departments
  • Animal Quarantine Centre
  • Animal Veterinary Hospital
  • Government Institutions
  • Animal Veterinary Supervisor
  • Research Centre
  • Industries
  • Zoo
  • Animal Conservation
  • Food and Beverage Industry
  • Animal Saloon
  • Entrepreneurs
Crisis Center

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*Hari Senin-Jumat, 07.00 – 16.00

Call this number for any emergencies

(Kantor Keamanan, Keselamatan Kerja, Kedaruratan, dan Lingkungan Office of Workplace and Environmental Security and Safety and Emergencies)

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