Universitas Gadjah Mada accepted 2,518 freshman candidates of undergraduate students through the 2020 National Selection of State University Entrance (SBMPTN).
Vice-Chancellor for Education, Teaching and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., said that there are 2,518 students accepted. They are divided into 1,777 people in the Science and Technology field and 741 in the Social Sciences field. Meanwhile, 336 student candidates received through the University Indonesian Smart Card (KIP) and 2,182 regular students.
“The announcement launched on the LTMPT website at 15.00 WIB,” said Djagal on Friday (14/8).
He added that the number of examination entrance enthusiasts who desired to enter UGM reached up to 62,507 people. The study programs with the highest number of enthusiasts for Science and Technology are Medicine, Pharmacy, Information Technology, Civil Engineering, and Dentistry. Meanwhile, Social Sciences include Psychology, Law, Management, Communication, and Accounting Study Programs. Meanwhile, the study programs with the highest compliance for Science and Technology are Medicine, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Information Technology, and Architecture. The social sciences include Communication Studies, International Relations, Management, Tourism, and Korean Language and Culture.
Djagal explained that this year’s SBMPTN selection process was conducted based on the results of UTBK, which consisted of a Scholastic Potential Test (TPS). TPS measures cognitive abilities, namely general reasoning and understanding abilities necessary for success in formal schools, especially higher education.
Freshman candidates must register and upload the required documents via um.ugm.ac.id/admission from 15 to August 20, 2020, at 23.59 WIB. The freshman candidates will lose their rights as freshman candidates of the UGM Undergraduate Program for the Academic Year 2020/2021 if, by August 20, 2020, at 23.59 WIB, they do not complete their bio-data and upload documents according to the applicable procedures and regulations.
Author: Satria
Translator: Natasa A