UGM Climate Expert, Dr. Emilya Nurjani, revealed that the arcus cloud in the form of a tsunami wave appeared in Meulaboh, West Aceh, on Monday (10/8) yesterday morning. The presence of this cloud is not related to the earthquake or tsunami disaster but is a sign of bad weather.
“The clouds in Meulaboh yesterday morning were Arus clouds, it was a vertical cloud that can grow very large. This cloud itself is not dangerous, but it is a sign of bad weather to come,” she explained on Tuesday (11/8).
The lecturer at the Faculty of Geography UGM said that the arcus cloud phenomenon is common, but it rarely occurs. Although arcus clouds are harmless, they are potential in causing heavy rain with lightning and strong winds.
Emilya again insisted that the arcus cloud has no relation with a potential earthquake or tsunami. This arcus cloud’s appearance is related to the dynamic conditions in the atmosphere—the characteristics of this cloud formation process signed by strong up and down currents within the cloud. Clouds formed when a flow of cold air down from the clouds reaches the ground. The cold air that fell to the ground through the downwind then spreads horizontally in front of the cloud system. Furthermore, denser cold air spreads rapidly over the land and pushes warmer humid air into the atmosphere.
“When warm air rises and cools, condensation occurs, leading to arcus clouds with their unique shapes and characteristics,” he said.
Because of the potential for bad weather, Emilya asked the public to stay alert and increase awareness of the possible impacts of heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning strikes. This condition increases the risk of falling trees and collapsing houses due to being hit by rain and strong winds.
Therefore, she urged the public to take care of trees, especially those lush and tall plants, by doing regular pruning. Thus, hopefully, it can minimize the risk of heavy rain and strong winds.
“When the weather is bad, you should immediately take shelter and reduce the use of electric tools. Meanwhile, fishermen should not have to go to sea first,” she said.
Government is necessary to intensify trees in public areas, said Emilya. It can be one of the efforts to preserve nature and benefit living creatures, especially in the rainy season. Besides, dredging rivers that experience silting can accommodate plentiful water flows in case of high-intensity rain.
Author: Ika
Photo: Instagram / portalaceh
Translator: Natasa A