Faculty of Philosophy UGM has introduced Indonesia’s philosophy and culture to US students through School of International Training (SIT) Fall 2019 programme. Eleven students from various US universities joined the programme to learn language, arts, culture and religion existing in Indonesia
“There are eleven students joining the event. They will be doing many things for two weeks in Jogja,” said Wayan Ariati, coordinator of SIT Study Abroad Indonesia.
The programme is a cooperation between School of International Training (SIT) Study Abroad and Faculty of Philosophy UGM. SIT Fall 2019 was opened on Monday (16/9) and will run until 29 September.
Learning about Indonesian cultural values is not only obtained from experts from UGM but also from direct interaction with the society. The students will sit in courses and have discussions with other students and the local people.
This event can give an insight into the local values on harmony, tolerance, cooperation and working together (gotong royong). The students also have an opportunity to visit cultural and historical destinations in Yogyakarta, such as Keraton Yogyakarta, Prambanan Temple, Borobudur Temple, and the batik museum.
Not only that, to know further about religions in Indonesia, they are invited to visit several houses of worship and educational institutions in Yogyakarta, such as churches and Islamic boarding schools.
“These activities have been designed as such that the students may obtain plenty of things in the designated time,” added Wayan.
SIT is a regular programme done by Faculty of Philosophy UGM since 2009. It runs every semester in February and September. It aims at promoting Indonesia’s philosophy to the young generation, particularly the US students.
During the introduction session, the students expressed their enthusiasm to learn the variety of Indonesian cultures as well as living among the local people.