Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) opened cooperation with Université de la Nouvelle Caledonie (UNC). A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Rector of UGM, Prof. Panut Mulyono, and Rector of UNC, Gaël Lagadec, on Monday (26/8) at the UNC in Noumea, New Caledonia.
The cooperation is an effort from UGM to realise the Asia–Pacific Partnership framework. ”Along with the changes in economic-political constellation and the position of Asia – Pacific Rim that is becoming more strategic in terms of international relations, a more concrete cooperation is required among higher education institutions in the region,” said Panut Mulyono in his remarks.
According to the Rector, UGM has the commitment in enhancing Indonesia’s diplomacy in the Pacific through education and culture cooperation. This cooperation is the first made by UGM with higher education in the Pacific. It covers research development, student exchange and apprenticeship, and training programme relevant to academic community capacity enhancement of both parties.
Rector of UNC welcomed the initiative of UGM to open the collaboration. “As a French territory, we have already established cooperation with European, Australian, and New Zealand universities. The cooperation with Asian universities will enhance our commitment in Asia-Pacific regional development,” said Lagadec.
According to Lagadec, the UGM mission was in line with the UNC development mission that has so far focussed on the Oceania. There are actually many areas of cooperation to be done with UGM and other Indonesian universities. The areas include history, culture, Franco-Indonesia tourism and other cultural aspects.
”We also have expertise in research in metal mining, metallurgy, and medicine,” added Lagadec.
Also attending the MoU signing was UNC leadership, including Director of Global Exchange and Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Éléonore Lainé-Forrest, and Director of the Centre for Legal and Economic Research, Catherine Ris, UGM leadership including Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Wening Udasmoro, Vice-Dean, Agus Suwignyo, and Head of History Department, Sri Margana. In addition, the attendance included Indonesian Consul General in Noumea, Ahmad Gozali Hasan Mustafa, and French High Commision representative in New Caledonia, Ulric de la Borie de la Batut.
After the agreement signing, the UGM delegates had the opportunity to see the UNC campus, library and laboratory facilities.