Yogya (KU)- UGM sent 195 students for Community Empowerment Program Field Practice (KKN PPM).
Student Community Service Program
As many as 13 students from Hanseo University, South Korea, and 19 students from Adger University, Norway, joined UGM’s Community Empowerment Program Field Practice (KKN PPM UGM).
Universitas Gadjah Mada sent 121 students for KKN-PPM program (UGM’s Community Empowerment Program Field Practice) to the villages of Gombang (Ponjong sub-district), Pucang Anom (Ron...
Disaster Early Response Unit Team (DERU) of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) distributed as many as 25 units of wheel chairs, 6 units of solar cell panels, 22 handy-talkies, and 1,300 textbook...
           A total of 158 students from Bukur elementary school, Wasiat Village, Ngombol sub-district in Purworejo, followed the mass toothbrush and drinki...
Vice President-elect Prof. Dr. Boediono released 50 students of the Student Community Service for Disaster Relief project (KKN PPM PB) who will be deployed to West Sumatera, Sunday (11/...
 The long lasting condition of the Wonosadi Forest at Beji Village , Ngawen Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul Regency in Yogyakarta has drawn the attention of the KKN PPM UGM.
UGM welcomes 12 students of Ehime University , Japan , in the Assembly Room, LPPM, UGM Central Office, on Wednesday (5 / 8).
Twelve students of Ehime University, Japan, have arrived to join the KKN PPM UGM (UGM’s Community Empowerment Program Field Practice), on 5-14 August 2009.
Rector of UGM Prof. Sudjarwadi accepted the visit of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Rector Prof.