Modern city planning (modern planning) is a system of city planning which is considered capable of providing solutions to the problems of urbanization in big cities in the world.
Cancer is a major public health challenge in the world which is increasing every year.
Yogyakarta – Geophysics is getting more important in exploring natural resources such as oil and natural gas and mining which is located 10 km under soil surface.
Have you ever bought something out of the plan while in a store or a minimarket? If so, then that is what called as impulse purchases, or purchases made spontaneously.
Study on slugging phenomenon as water hammer initiation is important to do.
YOGYAKARTA – Approximately 87.28% of the lands in Secang Watershed, Kokap sub-district of Kulon Progo regency, Yogyakarta, which have been used as mixed plantations and moors, are vul...
Yogyakarta – Indonesia is rich in natural resources in the form of forests throughout the Archipelago.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated 1560 graduates of Bachelor and Diploma Program.
Work hard with the position that you have now. Be the best, because the best will always be remembered.
Gender ideology of Muhammadiyah Muslim organization is actually storing fragmentation with the emergence of the double reality of the normative-theological gap which has gender ideol...
In recent years there are many changes in the production and acceptance of contemporary art in Yogyakarta.
Intellectual banality is increasingly widespread in the education sector, including in higher education today.
YOGYAKARTA – Social conflict in Ambon between 1999-2003 destroyed many human settlements and other established lands.
YOGYAKARTA – Piyungan Landfill is a waste disposal shelter which has been operating since 1995 and is the largest landfill in Yogyakarta.
YOGYAKARTA – Lecturer of Geology University of Yangon, Myanmar, May Thwe Aye, succeeded to gain doctorate at UGM after defending her dissertation on skarn mineralization in deposits o...
YOGYAKARTA – Four strategic typologies used by banks in disbursing funds are conservative, opportunistic, speculative and progressive.
YOGYAKARTA- Dangke is a dairy product in form of soft cheese that is produced without fermentation.
Erosion in Ngrancah sub-watershed (DAS), Kulonprogo has caused sedimentation, causing land degradation and wider critical lands.
YOGYAKARTA-Vice President Boediono attended the inauguration of Prof. Denny Indarayana, S.H, LL.M., Ph.D.
Information technology initiatives actually are in form of acquiring wisdom.
YOGYAKARTA- The reversed system for evidence in civil affairs as practised in several countries, the U.S., the UK, and some European countries, can be made source of reference for reversed ...
The drafting of forest preservation regulations to be made the operational guide in the management of forests in Java by Perhutani (Forestry Agency) has not shown substantial change as an i...
Lecturer in Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University, I Nyoman Jelun Erosa, explained that Acquisition System of Stereo Images (SACiS) is a terrestrial based method to measure distance and ele...
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated 1211 graduates from post-graduateprogram, consisting of 1120 master, 60 specialist and 31 doctoral degree holders.
Changes in legislation governing the authority of the Law Replacement no.
Population control in Indonesia is still a national problem up until now, but on the other hand there is also a big problem, namely the failure to conceive (infertility) in several c...
YOGYAKARTA-From Intraday data transactions during the period 2003-2005 in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) it was found some 8.4% in intensity of institutional following The intensity of inst...
YOGYAKARTA – Flood is a natural phenomenon that often occurs and faced by all countries in the world.
YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM installed some 149 new veterinarians, consisting of 69 males and 80 females, with average study period of 5 years 8 months.
In June the world was shocked with the advent of Escherichia coli bacteria that has claimed 26 lives in Germany and 1 in Sweden.