Multimedia sensibility has spawned new trends in literary works, which is postmodern trend.
Tuberculosis today remains one of serious global health problem, especially for the people living in developing countries.
Local chicken is increasingly forced away by the growth of the city.
Controversial law enactment in Indonesian law is not to be separated from law upholding management system.
The government intervention in the price of fertilizers for organic rice production showed a positive impact.
Management of water resources is the responsibility of government as water regulator.
The conflict in Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) organization occured in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (2008-2009).
Dean of the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Marchaban, DESS, Apt., inaugurated 54 new pharmacists at the University Club (UC), Thursday (24/2).
Performance of regional road network hardening is very worrying. Data of year 2010 mentioned that as much as 61.11% of provincial roads are in unstable condition, 28.21% having minor damage...
Yogyakarta- Climate change is the hot issue currently talked about by everyone around the world, including 144 participants from 37 countries who are following the International Youth Co...
As a new institution, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) experienced problems which are not much different from those of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the U...
YOGYAKARTA – Governor of North Sulawesi Sinyo Harry Sarundajang officially gained doctoral degree from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada after maintaining ...
Limited concept and theory of architecture descriptively and normatively make the practice of urban planning in Indonesia adapt to Western concept and theory.
The role of counselling teachers is very important to give assistance to students.
Banking crisis in Indonesia in 1998 gives reason to conduct a guarantee of savings to ease depositors’ panic and to return public trust due to the relatively poor banking condition.
Recently, infection of Heliobacter pylori (H.pylori) bacteria gets big attention in the medical circle because it proved to be related with cases of gastric cancer.
Bureaucratic reform stands for the interest of many things. Reform in this area is oriented on independent staff, enhancing competitiveness, as well as results and market-oriented.
Yogyakarta- Energy is one of important factors in each country’s development in the world.
Tax problems are still interesting to be discussed up to now.
Yogyakarta- Avian Influenza (AI) is one of infectious animal diseases which causes huge economic impacts.
Meanwhile, job vacancy in rural area still relies on farming sector.
YOGYAKARTA- Marketing studies development in the behavior of consumer takes place with changes in business and lifestyles in society.
The efforts undertaken in the pursuit of economic growth often creates a negative impact on the environment.
YOGYAKARTA – Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus) is one of the protected animals.
Yogyakarta- Decision making is a process that combines rational and judgmental approach of which the process cannot be formulated completely.
YOGYAKARTA- Ethnic identity reconstruction may occur because of the definition of ethnicity, adaptation or tradition, in addition to the chance of elite that holds power and manipulate the ...
The failure of decentralization and regional autonomy have been attributed to the uncertainty of the rules of the game.
Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM, Prof. Dr. drh.
Rawa Pening Lake is one of the lakes in Indonesia that have the problems of sedimentation and water quality degradation.
YOGYAKARTA – One of the parasitic diseases that remain a public health problem is intestinal infection, especially those transmitted by soil.