There are 101 texts of Banyumas Babad as works of literature and culture.
Inauguration of Prof. Rijanto: Climate Change Increases Risk in Production Activities in Rural Areas
Given the increasing risks of global warming, climate change and globalization, the livelihood approach in rural development will become stronger in the future, because, contextually...
The progress of a company is never apart from the creation and productivity of its workers.
In the perspective of migrant women, overseas migration is still viewed as an effective means of social mobility.
Various biodiversity in Indonesia is still very open to be developed.
Husband to wife violence during pregnancy and childbed periods increase from year to year.
YOGYAKARTA (KU) – Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon fabr.) is one leading product of national marine and fisheries that is often cultivated.
The cultural regions of Java, Bali and Sunda have similarities deriving from the Majapahit Kingdom.
YOGYAKARTA – Not so long ago one lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Muhammad Agung Bramantya, M.T, was awarded prestigious Young Engi...
An innovative behavior is not the innate nature of a man, but everyone has the potential to become an innovator.
The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UGM, Prof. dr.
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – Purwo leather puppet performance in Surakarta-style presented by young puppeteers needs to be developed further in order to preserve this traditional culture.
In the latest Indonesian literary development, the publication of several works of Seno Gumira Ajidarma (SGA) is interesting to note, recounting factual stories in his works.
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – Geo-technical consultant, civil engineering graduate of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Ir.
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – In many countries, diploma program occupies strategic position in their national network of manpower.
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada, again, inaugurated 1634 graduates of undergraduate program on Thursday (19/8).
Until this time, the effort to improve student achievement emphasis more on developing the cognitive aspect while the emotional and social aspects are quite marginalized.
Entropy of the discrete dynamical system can already be applied in various fields, such as DNA sequence, Network and Cosmology.
Within a decade before and after the transition of the nineteenth century, American prose was dominated by the naturalism.
According to the Head of the Center, Drs. Sindung Tjahyadi, M.
YOGYAKARTA- The monetary crisis around the year 1998 led to dollar increase and fluctuation against rupiahs drastically.
Parasites are one of the obstacles often faced by goat breeders.
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – Lecturer in Geography and Environment Study Program, Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Langgeng Wahyu Santosa, S.Si., M.Si., on Friday (6/8), success...
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – Landslides are still a serious problem in many regions.
Today a total of 144 new pharmacists of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM are inaugurated.
Diploma Program Faculty of Economics UGM once again inaugurates 73 graduates from the Regional Financial Accounting Special Class.
The role of plants for traditional societies is hardly replaced by modern chemical medicines.
Inauguration of Prof. Kustantinah: Cattle Herding and Biological Control Overcome Parasites in Goats
Efforts to increase cattle productivity in developing countries are usually limited to two things: nutrition and health.
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – The Government is urged to evaluate and tighten requirement for imported beef and liver.
Have you ever imagined if the writing of a teacher or a lecturer on the whiteboard in ink markers will be stored in digital form in the computer? Of course, the students will be pleased w...