Almost all superblocks in Indonesia have the connotation of luxury and only a few of them allocate space for the middle to lower classes.
 Education for students with academic potential and special talent is not optimally provided.
 Until now, traditional goat farmers tend to give king grass (Pennisetum purpureophoides) as the single alkali feed.
In hydraulic structures, hydraulics has become an integral part. The development of hydraulics has enabled the construction of hydraulic structures, for example weirs, dams, irrigation chan...
Tun Naing, lecturer in Geology Department of Yangon University in Myanmar, has earned the doctoral degree and granted cumlaude title for his dissertation in the open examination of doctoral...
Bribin underground river of Gunung Kidul regency is one of the rivers with major potential and is a source of water for the people of Gunungsewu, which is a karst area.
As many as 40 staff from regional working units in Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, graduated from in-house Training of Regional Accounting Program.
Head of Children Health Unit of Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, dr.
He said that in mapping the metal chemical structures in natural resources, chemical analysis is aimed at knowing the potential of the region.
Faculty of Medicine UGM inaugurated as many as 72 new doctors (37 male and 35 female) in its international program.
In the framework of social change, how music can give impetus to social change seems to be out of the attention of social scientists.
Monoculture teak forest is an abundant habitat for pests and diseases.
Commissive speech acts serve to state intention, make a promise, taken an oath and are important as the language of communication among people.
Clinical pharmacy service is effective in the therapy for patients.
Average temperature increased by 0.2º C every 10 years. NASA data indicated that the temperature increase has led to the rise of sea surface by 20 cm in year 2000 compared to that in 190...
Today, more than 16 thousands of drugs circulating in Indonesia are produced by 250 pharmaceutical factories.
Indonesia has been struck by earthquakes many times. However, the real action to reduce building vulnerability is still minimal.
Early age education as charitable business institution in one side attempts to develop social relation in an educational institution based on religious and democratic values.
Essentially, the diploma program aims to produce ready-to-work professionals. Qualified diploma and sarjana programs are certainly very needed by Indonesia today.
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated 1,226 graduates, Thursday (18/2). In total, UGM has produced 207,812 graduates consisting of 29,022 diploma graduates, 123,894 graduates, 43,401 masters,...
Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated 78 new nurses.
Spatial dynamics of land use in river basin area influences overflow and river flow.
Recently, many experts in Indonesia have not made molecular diagnoses in hospital’s medical practice.
Nanomaterials are very attractive materials as they have very different characteristics from those seen on their macroscopic scale.
Global warming cause climate change in Indonesia. This is indicated by the increased frequency and very high intensity of rain, the uncertainty of rainy and dry seasons, increase of sea sur...
Volatile fatty acid content in cecum is very much influenced by types and levels of crude fiber in ration.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated as many as 941 graduates of Graduate program Wednesday (27/1) in Grha Sabha Pramana.
Wrong choice of customers is one cause in underperforming loans faced by the Rural Credit Bank (BPR).
Dana bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) sebesar Rp300.000,00 per rumah tangga miskin untuk masa tiga bulan yang pernah digelontorkan pemerintah beberapa waktu lalu ternyata tidak mencukupi untuk ...
 Today there is a perspective that every construction project always causes environmental damage.