Faculty Corner
Indonesia’s Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, stated that his ministry would propose to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to promptly establish regulations allowing b...
For the first time, the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a free health check-up for teaching staff, non-teaching staff, and outsourced workers in collaboration wi...
Dr. Artidiatun Adji, an economist from the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM), mentioned that the sweetened beverage tax (MBDK) is worthy of immediate implementation in Indones...
Flooding has affected several areas in Demak Regency, Central Java, and its surrounding areas.
The increase in election budgets raises hopes for economic impact in the country.
MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus has again achieved Excellent accreditation status from The Institute of Accreditation for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Programs (LAMEMBA).
Waste remains a serious issue for global society, including Indonesia.
The Medicine program is one of the most sought-after undergraduate programs for new prospective students to study at UGM.
Dr. Lintang Nur Fadlillah, a lecturer at the Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and researchers from Finland conducted a study on the antibiotic potential of the Code Rive...
Diabetes self-management requires active participation and strong collaboration between patients, families, and healthcare professionals. Integrating self-management becomes more accessib...
Don’t underestimate the impact of snake bites. A quarter of snakebite cases in Indonesia come from venomous snakes.
The management of water resources in Indonesia still faces many challenges and issues.
In the current landscape, leaders grapple with unprecedented challenges, navigating through myriad dilemmas and uncertainties in decision-making. Society is entrenched in the VUCA era—a...
I Gusti Ayu Maresta Amirta Puspa Pujawati, a student from the Faculty of Economics and Business at UGM, recently had the privilege of participating in the esteemed Harvard Project for Asian...
The “RENEWvator” team, hailing from the Industrial Engineering Program within the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the UGM Faculty of Engineering, secured the posi...
The Gadjah Mada Building and Bridge (GMBB) Community team triumphed with the top honor in the ADHI Icon 2024: Innovation For Construction competition. This national-level innovation conte...
The Physics Department at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hosted a seminar titled “Studying Galaxy with Citizen, Science Project Galaxy Cruise” on Wednesday, Mar.
The relentless Palestine-Israel conflict persists without a resolution in sight.
The UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology, in collaboration with the UGM Directorate of Partnerships & Global Relations and the Faculties of Agriculture, Animal Science, and Forestry, ...
Sirekap was initially introduced as a vote-counting tool during the 2020 elections, but it has returned for the 2024 elections under the backing of the General Election Commission (KPU). ...
The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at the UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology assisted the Sungai Undang Village community in Seruya Hilir District, Seruya Regency...
Anthrax disease has resurfaced in Gunungkidul Regency, where one resident is suspected of having anthrax.
Indonesia’s digital economy, projected to reach 366 billion US dollars by 2030, is expected to grow exponentially.
The government is gearing up to roll out a free lunch and milk program for 82.9 million individuals, encompassing students, boarding school attendees, and expectant mothers.
Dr. Kusmono has been officially appointed as a professor specializing in polymer-based composite material science at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). During his ...
Dr. Andreas Triwiyono was officially appointed as a professor specializing in structural strengthening science at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineeri...
Community service activities are integral to the tri-dharma of higher education.
Waste management is a pressing concern in Indonesia, with the challenge escalating as landfills reach their maximum capacities in various regions.
The Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is celebrating its 78th anniversary since its inception on Mar.
The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), a renowned international nursing education accreditation agency based in the United States, recently assessed and visited the U...