Faculty Corner
The dry season in Indonesia affects the agriculture and plantation sectors as well as fisheries. Rising temperatures have led to various issues, from the emergence of diseases to the death o...
UGM Faculty of Biology Community Service Team has partnered with Rejosari Women’s Farming Group (KWT Rejosari) in Kledokan Hamlet, Sleman Regency, to develop local agriculture using vacant...
The Chair of Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU), Dr. (HC) KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, emphasized the need to enhance the quality of education in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren).
The UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) has been distributing free-boiled eggs to students taking their midterm exams.
The level of financial literacy and inclusion among the Indonesian population still shows a gap between financial service users and their understanding of the products they utilize.
The UGM Faculty of Economics and Business Alumni Family Class of 94 (Kafegama 94) held a reunion at the campus on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. This reunion marks the 30th anniversary of the alu...
The government has launched the energy transition agenda to address the impacts of climate change.
The UGM community is grieving. One of its best internal medicine professors, Professor Mochammad Sja’bani Mardjopranoto from the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK...
A key challenge in Indonesia’s digital transformation is the persistent inequality in internet access and the vulnerability of cybersecurity despite the increasing number of mobile and int...
The incidence of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) among adolescents is increasing, with risks such as anemia, diabetes, hypertension, and even impaired lung function due to smoking, primaril...
Indonesia’s Sharia economy has seen significant growth in recent years. Data from the Global Islamic Economy Indicator (GIEI) recorded Indonesia’s achievement ranking third in 2023, up f...
The UGM Faculty of Philosophy (Philosophy UGM) welcomed a group of international academics and doctoral students on Tuesday (Oct. 1) to study the role of philosophy and religion in a technol...
The Provincial Government of Central Java has designated Kadilanggon Village, Klaten, as a Food Self-Sufficiency Area. This is part of a long-term strategy to strengthen food security throug...
The UGM Faculty of Pharmacy has been tasked with supporting national independence in medicines and medical devices, which remains a significant challenge for the country.
Women continue to experience discrimination, as well as wage and career inequality in the workplace.
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering (DTETI) at UGM’s Faculty of Engineering (FT UGM) visited several prominent universities and institutions in Australia f...
Measles and rubella remain a threat to public health in Indonesia. Infectious diseases caused by viruses can lead to severe complications, including congenital malformations and death.
UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) has received the Best Archive Management Award for 2024.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FMIPA UGM) is committed to continually creating innovations that serve as intellectual products, contribute to soc...
As one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, Indonesia boasts two significant biodiversity hotspots: Sundaland and Wallace. However, Indonesia faces major challenges,...
The UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH UGM) is changing its educational curriculum to align with the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) competencies. This aims to produce highe...
Indonesia is currently facing a polycrisis, a political crisis characterized by declining democratic values, digital disruption, environmental crisis, and deterioration of public economic we...
The Faculty of Agricultural Technology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FTP UGM) has been tasked with supporting national programs like stunting reduction and assisting the government’s new nut...
The UGM Vocational College (SV UGM) and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC) have agreed to collaborate.
The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) celebrated the culmination of its 69th anniversary on Thursday (Sep. 19) at the Function Hall of the FEB UGM Learni...
In line with the commitment to support the health and well-being of the university community, the Faculty of Philosophy at Universitas Gadjah Mada (Philosophy UGM) has established a Health P...
The climate crisis has become a global issue for countries worldwide. Crop failures, droughts, rising global temperatures, and other problems arise from human activities continuously produci...
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FMIPA UGM) held the FMIPA UGM Reunion Night 2024, part of the 69th-anniversary celebrations, on Saturday (Sep. 14)...
The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) has provided scholarship funds and learning support facilities to UGM Faculty of Economi...
Maintaining mental health is a crucial aspect for students. The heavy workload of college activities, along with various assignments, often leads to stress and anxiety.