Inauguration of Professor
Two lecturers from the Faculty of Animal Science at Universitas Gadjah Mada (Animal Science UGM) were officially inaugurated at the Senate Hall, UGM Central Office, on Thursday (Jan. 30).
Physical exercise has long been recognized as essential to human health and well-being. Over the course of civilization, the benefits of physical activity for both physical and mental healt...
Dr. Rudi Hari Murti was officially inaugurated as a professor of horticultural plant breeding at the Faculty of Agriculture, UGM.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) installed three professors simultaneously from the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG UGM) on Tuesday (Jan. 14) in the Senate Hall of the UGM Central Office.
Dr. Chairun Wiedyaningsih, a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), was officially appointed a professor of pharmacy policy on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025.
Advances in science and technology have significantly simplified various aspects of life, including the design and prediction of material properties. These can now be performed with high pre...
Modernization has changed human lifestyles and increased various health issues, including the rising incidence of cancer.
Professor Nurul Indarti has been officially inaugurated as a professor of management at the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM).
Professor Ibnu Purwanto, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK UGM), was inaugurated as a professor of internal medicine on Tuesday (Aug. 27) at the S...
Professor Osman Sianipar, a member of the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK UGM) and a researcher on viruses in cancer, was inaugurated as a professor of clinical p...
Critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) is one of the leading causes of death among newborns. This condition is often diagnosed too late, making it essential to detect it early using a simp...
Dr. Aziz Purwanto, lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Agriculture, was officially appointed professor in ornamental plant biotechnology on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, at the Senate Hall, UGM Central ...
Dr. Suyanta (64) looked joyful after being inaugurated as a professor in inorganic chemistry at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA UGM) on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, at t...
Dr. Taryono, lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Agriculture and researcher of the Gamagora rice variety, was inaugurated as a professor of food crop breeding on Tuesday, Jul.
Dr. Sang Kompiang Wirawan, a Chemical Engineering lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Engineering (FT UGM), was inaugurated as a professor of bioresource processing on Tuesday, Jul.
Dr. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Biology (Biology UGM), was officially appointed as a full professor on Thursday (Jun.
Indonesia still needs to fully maximize the potential convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data technology to accelerate domestic technological advancement, enhance technolog...
Neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in humans and Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) in animals, cannot be fully cured with conventional treatments. Thus, ...
Dr. Retantyo Wardoyo, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA UGM), was inaugurated as a professor of algorithms and computation on Tuesday (May 28) in the ...
Dr. Endah Retnaningrum has been inaugurated as a professor of microbiology at the UGM Faculty of Biology (Biology UGM).
Two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), Palapa S-1 and Palapa S-2, were showcased at the UGM Central Building on Tuesday (May 21).
Dr. Roto, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA UGM), was inaugurated as a professor of chemistry on Tuesday (May 14).
Dr. Ferian Anggara, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Engineering (FT UGM), was inaugurated as a professor in coal geology at FT UGM on Tuesday (May 14) in the UGM Senate Hall. Professor A...
Malnutrition remains an issue faced by healthcare professionals in hospitals.
The UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA UGM) lecturer, Dr. Edi Suharyadi, was inaugurated as a professor of magnetic material physics on Tuesday (May 7) at the UGM Senate...
Dr. Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, a faculty member of the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM), was inaugurated as a full professor of management on Tuesday (Apr.
Traditional medicine remains highly relevant in treating illnesses amidst the advancement of medical technology nowadays. One such example is Sujok therapy, a traditional treatment from S...
Dr. Kusmono has been officially appointed as a professor specializing in polymer-based composite material science at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). During his ...
Dr. Andreas Triwiyono was officially appointed as a professor specializing in structural strengthening science at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineeri...
The issue of waste from livestock farming looms large on today’s environmental landscape. With the escalating demand for animal products, the volume of waste produced in this sector con...