News Report
A total of 84 teams from high schools (SMA) from all over Indonesia will follow the National Geography Olympiad (OLEGNAS) 2012 organized by Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Various cases of violence and human rights violations still occur in Indonesia despite existing laws that provide normative protection for human rights.
Today, many oil substitute energy sources have been found, such as biofuels to replace petroleum which is increasingly needed.
Faculty of Biology of Universitas Gadjah Mada with its Biotechnology Laboratory is currently pioneering the development of Gama Orchid.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Vocational School Mechanical Engineering Diploma Program starting from the 2012/2013 academic year will open a new interest concentration, Hexindo-Gadjah Mada...
YOGYAKARTA- The volcanic eruption some time ago has threatened various economic activities in the area around Merapi.
YOGYAKARTA- Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., inaugurated Concentration of Heavy Equipment Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Diploma Program...
Government’s Regulation No 66 Year 2010 on Management and Implementation of Education obligates that a number of universities with State Legal Entities status, including UGM, to ...
YOGYAKARTA – To enhance the ability of diplomacy and negotiation on an international level through the simulation of the UN General Assembly, Universitas Gadjah Mada held Jogja Intern...
Increasing traffic accidents that claimed casualties make people concerned and anxious when they are on the highway.
To further improve the economy in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region to become more developed, in the future 3 major potentials, namely science and technology, culture and tou...
Grief embraced UGM once again. Retired Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr.
Recently residents of Depok City, West Java, were concerned with Singapore flu disease outbreak which had stricken people in Jakarta and surrounding areas last year.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, again, held a Scientific Paper Writing Workshop.
UGM Faculty of Biology will conduct Periodic Re-accreditation of Scientific Biology (BIB).
The symbol of Garuda Pancasila as the symbol of the Republic of Indonesia is not yet made consistently across the society, government or private sector.
Dr. Sardjito General Hospital in Yogyakarta has become one of excellent hospitals in Indonesia.
Sub-directorate of Leadership Quality Improvement (PPKB) in Directorate of Student Affairs UGM, again, held Training of Trainers (TOT) for Qualified Leadership for UGM lecturers.
YOGYAKARTA – As many as 20 thousands of job seekers flocked to Career Days X held at Graha Sabha Pramana, 4-5 February.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada held a welcome and farewell party for Board of Trustees management on Saturday (4/2) in Balairung.
Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan HB X asserted that the nation whose citizens are literate to technology will have the competitiveness toward other society and nations in the world.
Marriage in the Catholic religion was passed through the Sacrament of Marriage.
UGM World Trade Study Center urged the government to immediately take action on the notification of the United States that refused to export Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) which is conside...
YOGYAKARTA- UGM Faculty of Biology continues to increase the number of research in several sites owned by Biological Garden, Museum of Biology as well as Sawitsari Field Station.
YOGYAKARTA – Former UGM Rector, Prof. Dr. Sofian Effendi, MPIA, was elected as Chairman of UGM Board of Trustees on Wednesday (1/2) at the Office of Higher Education Directorate, J...
A researcher from Center for Pancasila Studies (PSP) UGM, Surono, said that currently there has been inconsistency in the process of internalizing Pancasila values on children.
Yogyakarta Local committee for National Selection for State University Admission (SNMPTN) 2012 expects the school to be honest in the initial application and selection process of adm...
A total of 100 UGM employees participate in the socialization and simulation of individual income tax filling 2012 from Tax Office of Sleman.
Grief enfolds Universitas Gadjah Mada. One of its best sons, Prof. (EMR).
Increasing imports of food products and low competitiveness of Indonesian food products have led to a thought to change the paradigm of food development, which currently only focuses on foo...