News Report
YOGYAKARTA-Noble values embodied in religion, culture and local traditions have failed in facing hedonism in Indonesian society today.
Yogyakarta – Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted the scholarship presentation ceremony from Total E & P Indonesie.
UGM Center for Food and Nutrition Studies (PSPG) in cooperation with Yogyakarta Dompet Dhuafa organisation and Sleman District Health Office, again, conducted training of hygiene and sanita...
The cooling reactor in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Japan, was not working shortly after the massive earthquake some time ago. The malfunction reduced the cooling of nuclear react...
Communities in Beji Village in District Ngawen said they still require ongoing assistance to improve their businesses, both in agriculture, animal husbandry, handicrafts, as well as ...
In the Multimedia Room, Monday (30/1), the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) hosted a presentation of study opportunities in the United States.
Member of the National Energy Board (DEN), Herman Darnel Ibrahim, said the national energy policy has not been fully enjoyed by the whole society.
UGM Faculty of Forestry held Introduction Practices to Forestry 2012 (PPK 2012) for the class of 2011 students.
UGM received the visit of the delegation of Timor Leste Ministry of Energy on Friday (27/1).
United States Agency International Development (USAID) continues to seek for partners in Indonesian higher learning institutions to formulate development strategy through several activities...
Delegation of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) Saudi Arabia visited Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on Monday (23/1).
Poor understanding and internalization of the Pancasila values in the life of nation and state has led the Indonesian community into ideological and identity crisis.
A total of 74 national and multinational companies on the upcoming 4-5 February 2012 are scheduled to participate in the 10th UGM Career Days.
The Government will provide 45 percent of Kalimantan as the lungs of the world.
Approximately 100 students from 45 UGM student activity units were sworn in as caretakers during the period of 2012.
Delegation from Charles Darwin University (CDU) Australia on Friday (20/1) visited Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Usually, puppet show is performed at night. But not this time, puppet show is actually staged in the afternoon on the sidelines of the seminar.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students, once again, showed their active participation in international events.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Biology initiates the founding of Botanical Garden (mini botanical garden) in the UGM Training, Research and Development Garden (KP4).
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Animal Science is currently researching the use of bio mulch in sandy land at Congot beach, Jangkaran Village, Temon, Kulonprogo as an alternative to ...
YOGYAKARTA – UGM’s plan to develop the jackfruit as cultural plant in Yogyakarta is welcomed by Sleman Regent, Sri Purnomo.
Those who like traditional snacks must be familiar with rengginang.
Senior Vice Rector, Administrative, Finance, and Human Resources Development, Prof. Dr.
About 70 percent of the poor around the world are in rural areas and about 80 percent of them work in agriculture, while access to agricultural land has increasingly narrowed.
The West’s hegemony in social and humanities sciences that swept over various aspects of knowledge in Indonesia has diminished Indonesian genuine thoughts.
YOGYAKARTA- Treatment differentiation to men and women is not always identical with efforts to discredit the women.
YOGYAKARTA – Director of Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (PUKAT) of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Zaenal Arifin Mochtar, S.H, L.L.M, said he was not sure if the eradication of corruptio...
The responsibility of medical profession is very much related with sickness, health and human life.
In the midst of absent dissemination activities of ideology and foundation of the State, Krida Bhakti Praja Karang Taruna (Youth Organization) from Srigading Village, Sanden sub-district, B...
Studies on the state symbol of Garuda Pancasila are very few in Indonesia.