News Report
They are no longer young. Enthusiasm is, however, still visible on the faces of these senior men.
After a number of performances with several Yogyakartan musicians, a famous flute musician from Argentina, Eduardo Tami, will perform again in "ALMA PORTENA" concert or "Soun...
YOGYAKARTA – He has good manners, modest, but sometimes forgetful. This testimony was delivered by a member of faculty of History Science, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Prof. Dr.
UGM provides retiree awards to 169 educators who have come to their retirement.
A total of 300 Palace servants (abdi dalem) in the palace of Yogyakarta obtains free oral and dental health care from Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Prof. Soedomo Dental and Oral Hospital.
YOGYAKARTA –Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.
Indonesia should have a new culture, namely the culture of excellence in all areas of life, which can start from education.
A total of 40 members of UGM Dharma Wanita (Women Association) visited the Heroes Cemetery.
YOGYAKARTA- Writer, journalist and culturalist, Goenawan Mohamad, on Monday (19/12) evening gave an oration at the Pagelaran of Keraton Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Palace Hall).
YOGYAKARTA – The state should guarantee and fund education sector through public policy which is responsive to the interest of the people, not prioritising the market.
YOGYAKARTA – Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, viewed that the Mesuji case in Lampung and West Sumatera, if truly happened, is the embodiment of civi...
All this time fish waste was only to end up in the trash and has not been used optimally.
YOGYAKARTA- Pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia is still left behind compared to the progress of pharmaceutical industry abroad readmore.
YOGYAKARTA- Since this morning, Thursday (14/12), hundreds of UGM academic community have been enthusiastic in having free medical service, held by committee of the 62nd UGM Anniversary at ...
As many as 59 people and teams receive UGM Achievement Award at Grha Sabha Pramana, Thursday (15/12) night readmore.
UGM and National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) cooperate in establishment of Center of Excellence for science and technology development in the field of disaster and disaster management...
"The books I read always give new wings. Take me flying into the gardens of the most charming knowledge through time and events, sharing stories of love, saying hello to all figures wh...
Internet brings an incredible impact to human life. The Internet and social networking sites, such as Facebook, twitter and blogs allow every individual to convey his/her expression quickly...
YOGYAKARTA- Since this morning, Thursday (14/12), hundreds of UGM academic community have been enthusiastic in having free medical service, held by committee of the 62nd UGM Anniversary at ...
UGM Council of Professors officially proposed six candidates for Board of Trustees for 2011-2013 term of office.
YOGYAKARTA – A country needs to rebuild the spirit of sensitivity among the youth about national problems through national social solidarity.
In many remote and border areas there are shortages of health personnel.
The dynamics of world change that took place in all parts of the world marked by globalization have altered various aspects of life and civilization.
UGM Prof. Soedomo Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) finally have 3D Digital Computed Tomography (CT) or Digital 3D CT for human teeth and jaw.
In cattle business, continuous availability of forage feed in the dry season is still hampered.
Dignity International and UGM Faculty of Social Science and Politics Held Events of Human Rights Day
Every December 10th, we commemorate the World’s Human Rights Day.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada, will confer honoris causa doctorate in the field of humanitarian to Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and HB IX Award to Goenawan Mohamad in the field of c...
YOGYAKARTA – From international point of view, Indonesia has not done much to demonstrate its seriousness in the global struggle against corruption.
To enliven the celebration of 62nd Anniversary of Universitas Gadjah Mada, the committee held a variety of competitions.
University Archives may destroy some archives they keep. Destruction of records in the State University with retention less than 10 years is set by unit leaders and academics working...