News Report
As many as 16 Tropical and International Forestry students in S2 program from Georg-August University Goettingen (GAUG), Germany, conduct field practice in Wanagama forest.
Yogyakarta – Yogyakarta Literature Foundation (Yasayo) for the second time will confer literary prizes to four writers and literary researchers in Yogyakarta, who are considered succe...
YOGYAKARTA – Professor of Governance Science and Chairman of UGM Department of Political and Governance Science, Prof. Dr.
YOGYAKARTA – Seven former Universities of State Owned Legal Entity (PT BHMN), namely UGM, UI, ITB, IPB, USU, UPI, Airlangga University, that are preparing for financial management of ...
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated the Electronic Procurement Services (LPSE) program in order to assist in the procurement of goods/services in which the implementation will be con...
Climate change is a global issue that becomes the attention of countries in the world.
Indonesia Roller Sport Team won all gold medals in the SEA Games XXVI 2011.
Indian music was playing on nicely at Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center (PKKH).
After a successful harvest of about 1,500 melon crops of Gama Melon Basket (GMB) and Gama Melody 1 variety, the Agricultural Training, Research, and Development of Agriculture, Unive...
Purchase of 7% shares of PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) by the government through the Government Investment Center (PIP) does not violate the laws in force, particularly the Law No....
At its 42nd Anniversary, Faculty of Animal Science of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) tries to realize the vision and mission to be excellent, independent and dignified Faculty in implementin...
University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) receives software aid worth $4 million from PT Schlumberger Geophysics Nusantara.
Fit and proper test of the eight candidates for the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is vulnerable to politicization and even used as an opportunity to weaken the K...
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Director of Student Affairs, Drs. Haryanto, M.Sc., calls upon all UGM academic community, especially students, to be more wary of scholarship offers using the na...
Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Timor Leste, Eddy Setiabudi, visited UGM.
Deputy Minister for Science and Technology Network, Ministry of Research, Science and Technology, Prof. Dr.
A total of 500 UGM students in 2011 receive the distribution of Education Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students with Achievements (Bidik Misi) from the government.
Grief is felt by Universitas Gadjah Mada academic community. One of its best sons has passed away.
YOGYAKARTA- The increasing gated community in various cities is predicted to make social gap more open.
Food crisis and famine threaten the world. The number of food shortage and famine cases this year is highest since the 1970s.
Four students of Faculty of Forestry UGM joining the International Forestry Students Association’s Local Committee will attend the 2nd Asia Pacific Forestry Week 2011 which will take plac...
YOGYAKARTA- Again, UGM is to harvest about 1,500 melons of Gama Melon Basket (GMB) and Melodi Gama 1, which were planted in The Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station (UGM ...
A total of 28 students from Shizuoka University (SU), Japan, accompanied by three lecturers are studying agriculture at Universitas Gadjah Mada for one week.
Geography Study Club (GSC) of Faculty of Geography conducted scientific writing competition, debate competition, and national level high school speech competition in Geography Studen...
Jakarta Province managed to come out as overall winner of the Vocational High School National Applied Science Olympiad (OSTN) 2011 which took place at UGM, 25-28 October.
YOGYAKARTA-One of the urgent national defense agenda is building defense in the state borders.
Today, the demand for health service which is consistent, high qualified with the most effective way, affordable, and accountable is getting stronger.
YOGYAKARTA- National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Bakosurtanal) admitted that there is still a lot of homework to be done, especially related to questions and border issues ...
Issues of infant and child development are an important thing to note by mothers, cadres of community health centre, as well as health professionals.
A total of 25 UGM Students receive scholarships from Toyota. The scholarship submission conducted directly by the President Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor, Johnny Darmawan, to students a...